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Shihabuddin al Umari in texts related to a history of East Africa and the Mamluk Sultanate in the 14th century and mentioned later by Lewis, Cerulli and Cassanelli all confirm a Somali clan presence in Xamar around the time of Ibn Battuta's visit.
"الهوية قوم أقوياء، يسكنون المناطق الساحلية ومدينة مقديشو. يحكمهم شيوخهم ويعرفون بثرائهم وتجارتهم."
Exact Quote on the Hawiye Clan
Translation: "The Hawiye are a powerful people, inhabiting the coastal regions and the city of Mogadishu. They are governed by their own sheikhs and are known for their wealth and trade."
See further on Twitter discussions ^
I did some digging and it appears Al Umari was a student of Ibn Taymiyah. His remarks on the Hawiye were actually through the words of several merchants who had gone to visit the Coast which gives credibility to the Hawiye being a long established community there and fought under Sheikh Abu Bakr against the Ethiopians. This was during the twilight years of a blossoming Xamar when it was called Daarul Islaam and welcomed dignitaries from China to Andalus. Ibn Hajr Al Asqalani was taught by men who grew up in Xamar in this era and Xamar exported scholars and governors to many parts of the Muslim World (Maldives, Yuan China etc)
What i find interesting is Hawiye is described as a Qowm. Which can be interchanged with Tribe but the reason they don't use the term Qabiil in this context is because, by implying Hawiye as a Qabiil, there would have to be other qabaa'il nearby in near number and strength to complement them. Basically Hawiye must have been the monopolous uber tribe of this era rather than a oligopolous tribe among its 4.5 peers of today
@NidarNidar @Shimbiris
"الهوية قوم أقوياء، يسكنون المناطق الساحلية ومدينة مقديشو. يحكمهم شيوخهم ويعرفون بثرائهم وتجارتهم."
Exact Quote on the Hawiye Clan
Translation: "The Hawiye are a powerful people, inhabiting the coastal regions and the city of Mogadishu. They are governed by their own sheikhs and are known for their wealth and trade."
See further on Twitter discussions ^
I did some digging and it appears Al Umari was a student of Ibn Taymiyah. His remarks on the Hawiye were actually through the words of several merchants who had gone to visit the Coast which gives credibility to the Hawiye being a long established community there and fought under Sheikh Abu Bakr against the Ethiopians. This was during the twilight years of a blossoming Xamar when it was called Daarul Islaam and welcomed dignitaries from China to Andalus. Ibn Hajr Al Asqalani was taught by men who grew up in Xamar in this era and Xamar exported scholars and governors to many parts of the Muslim World (Maldives, Yuan China etc)
What i find interesting is Hawiye is described as a Qowm. Which can be interchanged with Tribe but the reason they don't use the term Qabiil in this context is because, by implying Hawiye as a Qabiil, there would have to be other qabaa'il nearby in near number and strength to complement them. Basically Hawiye must have been the monopolous uber tribe of this era rather than a oligopolous tribe among its 4.5 peers of today
@NidarNidar @Shimbiris