Alawite Meltown After They FAFO'd Last Night ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
Are alawites even actually muslim
nope, these niggas are pagans that shroud themselves in the safety of Islam.

  • Foundational beliefs: Alawites believe in the five pillars of Islam, but interpret them differently

  • Prophethood: Alawites believe in the prophets from Adam to Muhammad, the final messenger of God

  • Holy books: Alawites believe in the four Holy Books, including the Qur'an

  • Angels: Alawites believe in angels

  • Day of Judgement: Alawites believe in the Day of Judgement

  • Ali: Alawites believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, is a manifestation of the divine

  • Transmigration of the soul: Alawites believe in the transmigration of the soul

  • Worship: Alawites prefer to worship in private, at home or outdoors
  • Pilgrimage: Alawites believe that the pilgrimage to Mecca could be symbolic
  • Headscarves: Alawites do not think females need to wear headscarves
  • Wine: Alawites use wine in their rituals
  • Nature worship: Alawites incorporate nature worship, including the sun, moon, and stars, into their belief system
nope, these niggas are pagans that shroud themselves in the safety of Islam.

  • Foundational beliefs: Alawites believe in the five pillars of Islam, but interpret them differently

  • Prophethood: Alawites believe in the prophets from Adam to Muhammad, the final messenger of God

  • Holy books: Alawites believe in the four Holy Books, including the Qur'an

  • Angels: Alawites believe in angels

  • Day of Judgement: Alawites believe in the Day of Judgement

  • Ali: Alawites believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, is a manifestation of the divine

  • Transmigration of the soul: Alawites believe in the transmigration of the soul

  • Worship: Alawites prefer to worship in private, at home or outdoors
  • Pilgrimage: Alawites believe that the pilgrimage to Mecca could be symbolic
  • Headscarves: Alawites do not think females need to wear headscarves
  • Wine: Alawites use wine in their rituals
  • Nature worship: Alawites incorporate nature worship, including the sun, moon, and stars, into their belief system

This is why Ibn taymiyyah said that they are worse kuffar than the jews and the christians.
For all of somalia'a problems I'm glad we don't have relegious minorities. I can't imagine how much more chaos or problems we'd have to deal with if had relegious minorities. Places like iraq,Syria and yemen will always have to deal with this type of stuff.
The problem with the Alawite is that even the coast has a large Sunni population. The coastal cities were historically majority Sunni while the Alawites were in the rural mountains. Any idea of secession wonโ€™t work as the Sunnis in that region wonโ€™t tag along.

Also their pro-regime Alawite cells attacked in Homs which is a majority Sunni city. The Syrian Sunni population which already distrusted the Alawites will soon absolutely resent them. The Druze should learn from this lesson

Yep. Pretty much all the major Levantine coastal cities from Syria to Palestine have historically had Sunni majorities with Orthodox Christian minorities. Maronites, Alawites/Nusayris and Druze lived in the mountains behind these towns.


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For all of somalia'a problems I'm glad we don't have relegious minorities. I can't imagine how much more chaos or problems we'd have to deal with if had relegious minorities. Places like iraq,Syria and yemen will always have to deal with this type of stuff.

I've stated this in the past. Somali divisions are baby stuff in comparison to what exists in the Arab world. Let's be real, we are one ethnicity that speaks mere dialects of the same language and follows the same sect and school of the same religion. Even qabiilism is overdone as an issue. Most of the beef Somalis have are about power, representation and resources. The different tribes in different regions just want to have their part of the cake and to politically prosper. Even without the qabiils you'd have people from Bari, people from Woqooyo Galbeed or Galmudug understandably trying to assert themselves simply as a gobol. Somalis' problems technically occur everywhere in the world and can be managed by an uncorrupt, efficient equitable regime with enough funds being in place.

Arabs? There's different religions running around and extremely distinct sects within Islam, then even sometimes ethnic minorities like Kurds and Syriacs. Not to mention that many Arabs can claim weird stuff like, "Oh, I'm not really Arab. I am originally Egyptian or Berber or Aramaean and was Arabized." Truly a disastrous breeding ground for sectarianism.
I've stated this in the past. Somali divisions are baby stuff in comparison to what exists in the Arab world. Let's be real, we are one ethnicity that speaks mere dialects of the same language and follows the same sect and school of the same religion. Even qabiilism is overdone as an issue. Most of the beef Somalis have are about power, representation and resources. The different tribes in different regions just want to have their part of the cake and to politically prosper. Even without the qabiils you'd have people from Bari, people from Woqooyo Galbeed or Galmudug understandably trying to assert themselves simply as a gobol. Somalis' problems technically occur everywhere in the world and can be managed by an uncorrupt, efficient equitable regime with enough funds being in place.

Arabs? There's different religions running around and extremely distinct sects within Islam, then even sometimes ethnic minorities like Kurds and Syriacs. Not to mention that many Arabs can claim weird stuff like, "Oh, I'm not really Arab. I am originally Egyptian or Berber or Aramaean and was Arabized." Truly a disastrous breeding ground for sectarianism.
It's hilarious especially in the context of a lot of somalis who want to act like there's actually some huge culutral differences between somalis from different parts of the country. When in reality you at best get some slight variation at the edges. Which is amazing considering there are like 30 million+ somalis spread over the 1 million km's of somali weyne.

Garaad Awal

Former African
It's hilarious especially in the context of a lot of somalis who want to act like there's actually some huge culutral differences between somalis from different parts of the country. When in reality you at best get some slight variation at the edges. Which is amazing considering there are like 30 million+ somalis spread over the 1 million km's of somali weyne.
Ah yes because Landers should share a country with cadcads, Bajunis,Barwani and 5 million Bantus/Af May speakers.