Ali Dawah makes video about UK dawah bro Zaid El-Omar being exposed

Remember this thread from last week?

Well, just like clockwork, Ali Dawah has hopped on the newest trending topic like the nasty anti-Xalimo clout chaser he is.

This guy seriously equated himself to Mufti Menk in the first few minutes with his examples of dawah bros being "unfairly slandered". As if he has the Islamic knowledge to come close to him.




Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I really don’t understand this line of “men are naturally polygamous” that Ali describes towards the end.

There is no Islamic or scientific justification that says men are naturally polygamous, purely because it is absurd.

The first man created, Adam AS, was monogamous until his death. If it was the nature of man to have multiple wives, Allah SWT would’ve created multiple wives for him.

I don’t think men are naturally monogamous either, even though I think there is an argument for a “natural family unit”.

Internet Nomad

They mistakenly lust for pair bonding.

Most men can imagine and would want many sexual partners but most men if asked how many life partners would they want they would say one.
I really don’t understand this line of “men are naturally polygamous” that Ali describes towards the end.

There is no Islamic or scientific justification that says men are naturally polygamous, purely because it is absurd.

The first man created, Adam AS, was monogamous until his death. If it was the nature of man to have multiple wives, Allah SWT would’ve created multiple wives for him.

I don’t think men are naturally monogamous either, even though I think there is an argument for a “natural family unit”.
The concept of male and female fitrah is very fluid in online (Anglophone) Islamic discourse, often shifting to fit the personal whims of whoever's talking, typically male da'ees from the UK, since they just happen to be the majority occupying that digital niche.

For instance, some of these UK lads are currently saying that they don't want to watch her video where she tells her side of the story due to her being a "makeup-wearing mutaburrajat" and that they don't want her to act as a source of temptation because it's within their fitrah to just fall victim like that (as if they can't simply place their device's screen down while listening).


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Internet Nomad

The concept of male and female fitrah is very fluid in online (Anglophone) Islamic discourse, often shifting to fit the personal whims of whoever's talking, typically male da'ees from the UK, since they just happen to be the majority occupying that digital niche.

For instance, some of these UK lads are currently saying that they don't want to watch her video where she tells her side of the story due to her being a "makeup-wearing mutaburrajat" and that they don't want her to act as a source of temptation because it's within their fitrah to just fall victim like that (as if they can't simply place their device's screen down while listening).


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Some of these guys act like seeing the shadow of a woman would lead to Fitnah. It makes Muslim men look like unrestrained beasts.

The whole anti-Muslim ankle meme get legitimacy by these uncontrolled freaks.

These people go outside everyday and see western women immodest clothing and act normal but the second they see a ankle they go ballistic.

Some of these guys act like seeing the shadow of a woman would lead to Fitnah. It makes Muslim men look like unrestrained beasts.

The whole anti-Muslim ankle meme get legitimacy by these uncontrolled freaks.

These people go outside everyday and see western women immodest clothing and act normal but the second they see a ankle they go ballistic.

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I cannot take Ali seriously. The gymnastics here are very funny. Ali was like, "well, he was gonna marry the single mother as a first wife and then make her his second wife after he meets the actual wife he's gonna eventually marry."


Bro that's not normal at all. Why are you demoting your wife and playing with her self-esteem like that?

The whole reason for this video was because Ali doesn't like Dawah bros being criticized, it is his job. This is the first time I'm hearing the full voice notes without them being chopped so I'm assuming the guy sent them to Ali and then Ali posted the whole thing. And the guy asked him not to post the video and Ali said, whatever I'm posting it this above you and here's the voice note he sent him in the 2nd tweet.

This is getting so out of hand, I'm waiting for another character to emerge or something.
I cannot take Ali seriously. The gymnastics here are very funny. Ali was like, "well, he was gonna marry the single mother as a first wife and then make her his second wife after he meets the actual wife he's gonna eventually marry."


Bro that's not normal at all. Why are you demoting your wife and playing with her self-esteem like that?

The whole reason for this video was because Ali doesn't like Dawah bros being criticized, it is his job. This is the first time I'm hearing the full voice notes without them being chopped so I'm assuming the guy sent them to Ali and then Ali posted the whole thing. And the guy asked him not to post the video and Ali said, whatever I'm posting it this above you and here's the voice note he sent him in the 2nd tweet.

This is getting so out of hand, I'm waiting for another character to emerge or something.
That’s illogical. You cannot make someone whom you first married a second wife. Whats the difference between a second wife and first wife apart from the order you married them in? Islamically you’re meant to treat them exactly the same.

These men clearly put women into catergories based on if they’re ’worth’ being the first or second wife when from a purely Islamic perspective, they’re completely the same and deserve the exact same rights.

These are the same men btw who will later on berate women for not wanting to be in a polygamous marriage despite the fact that deep down many of these men don’t even rate second wives and the institution of polygamous marriages since in their minds a second wife is akin to a side chick.

I’ll be called a liar despite these men telling on themselves. They’ll say stuff like that and later on down the line they’ll do a U-turn and say hey! My words have been twisted.
At this point Muslim women need to understand that unfortunately some Muslim men with platforms are master manipulators who will always have misogynistic enablers who will come to their aid to drag you.
I really don’t understand this line of “men are naturally polygamous” that Ali describes towards the end.

There is no Islamic or scientific justification that says men are naturally polygamous, purely because it is absurd.

The first man created, Adam AS, was monogamous until his death. If it was the nature of man to have multiple wives, Allah SWT would’ve created multiple wives for him.

I don’t think men are naturally monogamous either, even though I think there is an argument for a “natural family unit”.
Darwinism. They use Western concepts when it benefits them.
I’m sick and tired of some Muslim men and their lying tendencies when it comes to women. Authobillah.

The sister that exposed that man’s DMs never lied. She made it clear on the exact same day she released a video that the Zaid guy basically said he’d keep the single mother if they’re still together when he eventually marries a virgin spouse. She said and it’s in black and white:


She literally wrote it on her Instagram on the same day she released the video under that video post. But the thing is, none of those people actually listened to or read what the girl said. They simply twisted her words on Twitter and then went with that and ignored everything she said.

There is no point as a Muslim women. These men will always defend each other. Also, Mut’ah is different to Misyr, but Misyr is still seen as haram/immoral by a lot of scholars and even Islamic speakers like the Saudi speaker Sh. Assim Al Hakeem admit that Misyr is treated like a temp marriage since the man has no real commitment to the wife. It has ridiculously high divorce rates.

Lying at this point is the bread and butter of many men especially the ones who act religious online who are now piling on the sister despite not watching anything or reading anything she wrote. The man despite not saying he wants a temp marriage made it clear he wanted a secret one or one that his family aren’t aware of, he didn’t want a traditional marriage, he wanted a Misyr marriage whilst he found his trad wife.
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They are making videos and threads called about the truth ‘finally coming out’ yet she didn’t lie and her accusations were true.
The concept of male and female fitrah is very fluid in online (Anglophone) Islamic discourse, often shifting to fit the personal whims of whoever's talking, typically male da'ees from the UK, since they just happen to be the majority occupying that digital niche.

For instance, some of these UK lads are currently saying that they don't want to watch her video where she tells her side of the story due to her being a "makeup-wearing mutaburrajat" and that they don't want her to act as a source of temptation because it's within their fitrah to just fall victim like that (as if they can't simply place their device's screen down while listening).


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I thought the whole point of the 4 wives thing was to help out widows, those whose husband passed in war or naturally, tough times & extreme poverty etc.

When did it turn into this quasi bachelor esque lifestyle requirement where you're just collecting women like pokemon cards? I missed have missed that.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Remember this thread from last week?

Well, just like clockwork, Ali Dawah has hopped on the newest trending topic like the nasty anti-Xalimo clout chaser he is.

This guy seriously equated himself to Mufti Menk in the first few minutes with his examples of dawah bros being "unfairly slandered". As if he has the Islamic knowledge to come close to him.


that is not a stretch huuno. They equate themselves with Khalifa Umar and Abubakar -and istaqfurulaah sometimes the prophet pbut

Zaid told him not to make a video- and Ali -discloses that he has to make a video despite Zaid begging him not to do it. So they are not loyal to each other too.



Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
All mentally ill and they want to drag you with them. I’ve checked out of their bullshit because waadku wareeri. Marry one, marry ten or marry nothing and chop your dick off, it’s up to you. I don’t care what some pixels on my phone are doing anymore
The concept of male and female fitrah is very fluid in online (Anglophone) Islamic discourse, often shifting to fit the personal whims of whoever's talking, typically male da'ees from the UK, since they just happen to be the majority occupying that digital niche.

For instance, some of these UK lads are currently saying that they don't want to watch her video where she tells her side of the story due to her being a "makeup-wearing mutaburrajat" and that they don't want her to act as a source of temptation because it's within their fitrah to just fall victim like that (as if they can't simply place their device's screen down while listening).


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Why did he put her face as thumbnail of the video if he didn’t watch her ?

