Ali Dawah makes video about UK dawah bro Zaid El-Omar being exposed

A lot of these men who lust for multiple wives don’t believe in love even as a concept between spouses. And those who believe think it’s not lasting.
dawah influencers is the most intriguing phenomenon. If Ali Dawah was not a YouTube personality and he came up to your on the street you wouldn’t listen to him speak about deen.
UK ajnabi dawah “influencer” with extremely controversial views? Guess which country his wife’s from.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
All mentally ill and they want to drag you with them. I’ve checked out of their bullshit because waadku wareeri. Marry one, marry ten or marry nothing and chop your dick off, it’s up to you. I don’t care what some pixels on my phone are doing anymore

Nah she's not Somali. This guy famously had a meltdown when a Somali dad refused his proposal and got spiteful and gave some black guy a platform to slander Somali women, you'd have be mentally ill to be with him after all that
He ended up marrying another one. I know because people have seen them in public
He ended up marrying another one. I know because people have seen them in public
I don’t knock the brother at all, he’s married halal as Allah intended but is there any reason why he only pursued Somali’s ? I get everyone has preferences but me personally let’s say yemeni or Turkish families rejected me I’m not going to keep going after Yemeni or Turkish women
I don’t knock the brother at all, he’s married halal as Allah intended but is there any reason why he only pursued Somali’s ? I get everyone has preferences but me personally let’s say yemeni or Turkish families rejected me I’m not going to keep going after Yemeni or Turkish women
These dawah bros are so weird honestly who knows
These dawah bros are so weird honestly who knows
I think it’s the stereotype the dawah bros have that Somali women are all religious and submissive. Just how white men have a stereotype that Asian women are all meek and submissive and therefore pursue them hard. You’re right it’s very strange
I think it’s the stereotype the dawah bros have that Somali women are all religious and submissive. Just how white men have a stereotype that Asian women are all meek and submissive and therefore pursue them hard. You’re right it’s very strange
not submissive but accessible
I think it’s the stereotype the dawah bros have that Somali women are all religious and submissive. Just how white men have a stereotype that Asian women are all meek and submissive and therefore pursue them hard. You’re right it’s very strange
The thing is, that stereotype isn’t true whatsoever, they’re not submissive in the slightest💀 and it’s difficult to marry ajnabi as well we all know this.

Realistically South Asian ladies fit that stereotype the most


Remember this thread from last week?

Well, just like clockwork, Ali Dawah has hopped on the newest trending topic like the nasty anti-Xalimo clout chaser he is.

This guy seriously equated himself to Mufti Menk in the first few minutes with his examples of dawah bros being "unfairly slandered". As if he has the Islamic knowledge to come close to him.


The community should forgive him and cover his sins🙏🙏

May Allah deal with you women haters who slander without even caring about evidence. All you care about is defending your ‘bros’ without any sense of justice of wisdom.

The scholars of Lewisham masjid have spoken out and they were the ones who have spoken to Both that Zaid guy and the single mother and were presented with all the evidence;

Read this.
@Angelina @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒

I hate pick me b*tches so much, this is one of Mahdi Tidjani's loser wives calling her an attention-seeking narcissist under the single mum's newest IG video.

How can you take a woman, who is married to a man who has bettered his ex, isn’t even allowed to see his child because of his violent tendencies and calls older women expired and says men have more value? Speaks in a degrading way and the list continues. This is the same man who told everyone that when his wife was giving birth at home, he went upstairs and slept as it wasn’t his business. This one is valueless even in the eye of her ‘man’.

