All FMS to reportedly come out as opposition


I never talk about darood nor side with the enemy xinayhaga ku fadi ninyahow… I have nothing against marxum hamze his just another omar jees with different kastuumo 😀 omar jees was kastumo mohamed farah aydid and marxum hamze is xoghaya hassan gurgurte
You brought us up unprovoked just to say “I never talk about Darood”. I cant believe I even bothered replying to you. To think this guys moms side is Ogaden aswell


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
You brought us up unprovoked just to say “I never talk about Darood”. I cant believe I even bothered replying to you. To think this guys moms side is Ogaden aswell
View attachment 328900
Abti gacaliye Ahmed madowe mother is Majerteeen Omar Mohamud Mohamed omar🇸🇱
We stood with him against terriost Shariif we stood with him against Hassan gurgurte, xurmadale said Abdullah deni was the only regional president that went to Kismaayo and say we support jubalamd well beesha auliyahan and muqabul were xarmaajo tool to divide beesha absaame after all this years being ur strongest allied you stab beesha majerteen and became Hassan gurgurte xoghaaya marxum hamze instead of defending the interest of jubbaland and puntland
Why u turn on me mudane


@Itsnotthateasy why ppl allow you a voice is beyond me. This guy thinks isaaq is big and strong then why the f*ck were u disarmed by Khatumo? Somalis know dhulbahante are larger and stronger then you. You needed even Djibouti, samaroon, Oromo thats how small and weak you are. Thus dude whole port relies on dds why in the f*ck are u a state? Your fkn langaab and goojacade ended that discussion.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Itsnotthateasy why ppl allow you a voice is beyond me. This guy thinks isaaq is big and strong then why the f*ck were u disarmed by Khatumo? Somalis know dhulbahante are larger and stronger then you. You needed even Djibouti, samaroon, Oromo thats how small and weak you are. Thus dude whole port relies on dds why in the f*ck are u a state? Your fkn langaab and goojacade ended that discussion.
This is what happened in August 25 2023 ciyaal yaryaar o la yiraahdo jamahirta aya qaranka barida weyn ku so afjartey in 2hrs
Qaranka barida weyn 33 years aye dreamland ku jireen 🤣🤣 every since the were defeated may 18 santa claus 🎅 celebration is not fun anymore their dream was shattered and destroyed by dhulbahante territorial defenders
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This is what happened in August 25 2023 ciyaal yaryaar o la yiraahdo jamahirta aya qaranka barida weyn ku so afjartey in 2hrs
Qaranka barida weyn 33 years aye dreamland ku jireen 🤣🤣 every since the were defeated may 18 santa claus 🎅 celebration is not fun anymore they dream was shattered and destroyed by dhulbahante territorial defenders

I respect @ZodiaK wuu iskaga tagay meesha knowing ma soo hor farisan karo rag dambe. He knows he was defeated. It's this idiot @Itsnotthateasy talking about what's small and large when his whole qaranka got disarmed in 2 hours. Waxaa ka haray women screaming muuseeee qaranka soo daa and muse responds qaranka hubkooda waxaa ka furtay Khatumo.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
You brought us up unprovoked just to say “I never talk about Darood”. I cant believe I even bothered replying to you. To think this guys moms side is Ogaden aswell
View attachment 328900
Abti gacaliye hadhe abtinimo jirta Ahmed madowe would haven’t chased his abti the only osman mohamud jubbaland mp xildhibaan Mohamed Ali house of muse sultan 🙏🏽🇸🇱 abtinimaadi adiga ku xaarey


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I respect @ZodiaK wuu iskaga tagay meesha knowing ma soo hor farisan karo rag dambe. He knows he was defeated. It's this idiot @Itsnotthateasy talking about what's small and large when his whole qaranka got disarmed in 2 hours. Waxaa ka haray women screaming muuseeee qaranka soo daa and muse responds qaranka hubkooda waxaa ka furtay Khatumo.
Musow cidanka sida 😀 cidaanke la dac, la kufsaay, la qabseey iyo wax la dilo aya laga digeey ceebta adunka aya ku dacdey
Reports are indicating that gurguurte has quietly given the FMS leaders an extension under the guise of reigniting the war against Shabaab which has been inactive for the past 8 months. This extension will not be announced publicly in the press release following the conclusion of the NCC meeting.

In exchange, the FMS leaders are not to hold indirect elections but will wait for an environment conducive to holding 1M1V if progress is made for the fight against Shabaab. Also, gurguurte has pledged not to take any further action on the formation of the FGS election committee.
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@Itsnotthateasy why ppl allow you a voice is beyond me. This guy thinks isaaq is big and strong then why the f*ck were u disarmed by Khatumo? Somalis know dhulbahante are larger and stronger then you. You needed even Djibouti, samaroon, Oromo thats how small and weak you are. Thus dude whole port relies on dds why in the f*ck are u a state? Your fkn langaab and goojacade ended that discussion.

Seems like it's too bitter a pill to accept that the only reason Lascaanood is sitting in a meeting with the President of Somalia is because of Somaliland. "But, but They are fighting the secessionists..." if there were no secessionists of note would anyone be giving them time of day?
Whatever they do they cannot escape the shadow. It's time they came back to Somaliland.

Somalia will only use them and lead them along like we should all know by now as a country. We learned these lesson in the early 60s. Puntland learned them in 2024, they got the Wanlaweyn treatment with that new constitution.
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