All FMS to reportedly come out as opposition


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
All these 'member states' are just warlord militas. It's 2024 and the country still doesn't have a constitution. These idiots just need to decide to either leave Somalia or to create a unified country with 1 constitution.
The president is an obstacle, we don’t need a new constitution when the old one isn’t even finished, it’s a pathetic attempt at a power grab. Puntland said it only recognizes the 2012 constitution which every Somali had a say in, this constitution is paid parliamentarians putting their hands up in favour for a constitution without even knowing the contents.

if the president wanted to add something to the 2012 constitution he’s free to do so, making a new one without finishing the old one is uncalled for.
They said two FMS declines puntland And who? Lol all of them falling out with HSM
Reports are saying Madobe and Laftagareen declined the invitation, so they mean those two. They know that they've leverage over him and want some concessions regarding the presidential elections in their states. They want HSM to let them reelect themselves again or they will side with PL and be against his constitution.
HSM is in a pickle, and when you get to your 2nd anniversary, everybody starts thinking about the next election and friends turn to enemies.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
They said two FMS declines puntland And who? Lol all of them falling out with HSM
QQ is opposition too but he’s siding heavily with HSM right solely to get re-elected. He was speaking up for the government when it came to the land debacle, but once he gets re-elected, he’s coming out as full mucaraad.
If Gurguurte fails to offer them a two year extension, Blackie and Lafta will proceed with holding their own indirect election. Blackie will reportedly convene the parliament soon to have the term limit removed so he can run for a 3rd time.

If any of the FMS are successful in holding indirect elections, Gurguurte will be forced to return to afisiyooni in 2026. This ofc barring any miraculous change in the security situation in Southern Somalia. 1M1V is out of the question so what is his alternative?


I need SSC to cut ties with gurgurte 👎 invited to an anniversary instead of the NCC.
Firdhiye has nothing to lose by working with fgs. Plus majority of these FMS khatumo is in better condition than. SWS majority Al shabab and capital is not controlled by Laftagaren but by FGS/hawiyee. Jubbaland majority Al shabab and its capital Buale also controlled by them. Hirshabelle and Galmudug extension of FGS but also have Al shabab teritory. Puntland somlailand have there capitals in their control and no terrorist group holding big chunks of land. Khatumo falls closer to this category free from FGS and also controls its land so it has flexibility just needs to figure out borders and idealy combine with makhir state so there is coastal access

