All lives matter!

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What systemic problems exist in the Muslim communities of Canada and the USA that we haven't already addressed over the months on somnet?

Ciddhartha is being a hypocritical c*nt by equating the problems that exist in some faraway country to the problems that exist here in North America.

Not only in Canada but the West.

Radicals preaching filth (particularly in Europe).

Young people being recruited by terrorists. (North America & Europe).

Forced marriages (mainly amongst South Asian muslims).

Shootings/Terrorism - France, Denmark, USA etc.


Why don't Muslims sort out their issues instead of crying about "Islamaphobia" from white people?
Not only in Canada but the West.

Radicals preaching filth (particularly in Europe).

Young people being recruited by terrorists. (North America & Europe).

Forced marriages (mainly amongst South Asian muslims).

Shootings/Terrorism - France, Denmark, USA etc.


Why don't Muslims sort out their issues instead of crying about "Islamaphobia" from white people?

1. We've already addressed these issues before on somnet on numerous occasions. We don't make excuses for bad behavior, unlike the #BlackLivesMatter crew who want to completely gloss over the bad behavior of Madows in America.

2. Being that as it may, you can't compare it to a Canadian PM who wants to remove all due process and strip Muslims of their citizenship and have them deported on the suspected notion that they may be a terrorist. That's the issue here. If the American Federal Government was engaging in an action that would strip Blacks of their Civil Rights (such as in the Jim Crow era), then I'd be right with them in opposing such an action.

Don't compare apples to oranges
1. We've already addressed these issues before on somnet on numerous occasions. We don't make excuses for bad behavior, unlike the #BlackLivesMatter crew who want to completely gloss over the bad behavior of Madows in America.

2. Being that as it may, you can't compare it to a Canadian PM who wants to remove all due process and strip Muslims of their citizenship and have them deported on the suspected notion that they may be a terrorist. That's the issue here. If the American Federal Government was engaging in an action that would strip Blacks of their Civil Rights (such as in the Jim Crow era), then I'd be right with them in opposing such an action.

Don't compare apples to oranges

Why are you framing this as BLM against your myopic case?

What was stop and frisk in NYC if not stripping minorities of their civil liberties? Not proposed but actually implemented. Would BLM have been against stop and frisk?
Couldn't help but laugh, these racists are getting creative. I agree with Idol, all lives matter.
A lot of good points raised, However the main problem facing black American and a one that I feel hasn’t been addressed, is the break down of family unit, you also have a whole industry dedicated to demeaning and dehumanising black women. When a society most important building block a one that helps shape the next generation is treated worse than animal, the results is all around to see.

Nevertheless we should know that the police are the biggest enemy of minorities and we should never ever side them.

And of course somali life matter more than all...
A lot of good points raised, However the main problem facing black American and a one that I feel hasn’t been addressed, is the break down of family unit, you also have a whole industry dedicated to demeaning and dehumanising black women. When a society most important building block a one that helps shape the next generation is treated worse than animal, the results is all around to see.

Nevertheless we should know that the police are the biggest enemy of minorities and we should never ever side them.

And of course somali life matter more than all...

Of course, but instead of expecting Whites to treat them compassionately, maybe the Blacks should take control over their own communities and join the Police Force, elect the Mayors and appoint the Judges of their own community. Maybe they should spend less time thinking about what others (ie. Whites) can do for them, and more time thinking about what they can do for themselves.
Of course, but instead of expecting Whites to treat them compassionately, maybe the Blacks should take control over their own communities and join the Police Force, elect the Mayors and appoint the Judges of their own community. Maybe they should spend less time thinking about what others (ie. Whites) can do for them, and more time thinking about what they can do for themselves.

I agree 100%, black people have been getting treated like children for so long, that they have practically become incapable of taking any ownership and responsibility for their community. The is thing when humans continuously fails to improve their situations, they look for a scapegoat, in this case the white bogeyman.

Prior to the 1964 civil rights act, there was black community and distinct culture, black universities, thriving black businesses, black land and home ownerships, all this have been eroded since then. All those liberals and leftist are the one that destroyed the black community. Remember this, before 1965 the democrats party fought tooth and nail against equality for black, suddenly they are the biggest champion of black people, GTFOH
A lot of good points raised, However the main problem facing black American and a one that I feel hasn’t been addressed, is the break down of family unit, you also have a whole industry dedicated to demeaning and dehumanising black women. When a society most important building block a one that helps shape the next generation is treated worse than animal, the results is all around to see.

i have seen that the breakdown of the AA family is similar to that of many ethnic communities in the western world (including Somalis)
I will say the main fault is the welfare system, the fact that men have become replaced by the state and state becomes the father and the provider. The men as a result became dispensable. Not only that but it cuts peoples incentives to work. it hits the poorer not well off communties the most.

We can look at all sorts of things that was implemented in disguise as helping them, like Affirmative Action, Minimum Wage, work training programs etc.
What these did was just handicap poorer people even more.

The family is the most important unit in a society! without it everything is in shambles!
Nevertheless we should know that the police are the biggest enemy of minorities and we should never ever side them.

And of course somali life matter more than all...

Any group on earth will do whats in their interests and fend for themselves and look out for themselves. Thats just how the world works unfortunately and have always worked, i myself when i was younger wished the world was equal,loving and peaceful. Perhaps naive!
I guess i just grew up!! :axvmm9o:

The SJWs cant tell you exactly what they want and they cant tell you what they are complaining about other than that the world isnt built in their specifications.
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i have seen that the breakdown of the AA family is similar to that of many ethnic communities in the western world (including Somalis)
I will say the main fault is the welfare system, the fact that men have become replaced by the state and state becomes the father and the provider. The men as a result became dispensable. Not only that but it cuts peoples incentives to work. it hits the poorer not well off communties the most.

We can look at all sorts of things that was implemented in disguise as helping them, like Affirmative Action, Minimum Wage, work training programs etc.
What these did was just handicap poorer people even more.

The family is the most important unit in a society! without it everything is in shambles!

Any group on earth will do whats in their interests and fend for themselves and look out for themselves. Thats just how the world works unfortunately and have always worked, i myself when i was younger wished the world was equal,loving and peaceful. Perhaps naive!
I guess i just grew up!! :axvmm9o:

That why we Somalis need to focus on developing our country and people. We should only concerns ourselves with other people problems as long its similar to us and in order to learn, and modify their experience/solutions to our needs.

For example just look at what the South African blacks that the Kacaan government campaigned for is doing to our people at their most weakest and most neediest time. I say never again, its everydog for himself.

The SJWs cant tell you exactly what they want and they cant tell you what they are complaining about other than that the world isnt built in their specifications. [/QUOTE]

Brother you need to be pragmatic and try to understand things from different perspectives. Those SJWs are an industry, majority of them have spent 3/4 years doing worthless degree, and so, all they have in life is complaining and moaning, matter of fact they don't even know what to do with they life and when we pay attention to them we are sustaining and providing a platform for them to be something.
That why we Somalis need to focus on developing our country and people. We should only concerns ourselves with other people problems as long its similar to us and in order to learn, and modify their experience/solutions to our needs.

For example just look at what the South African blacks that the Kacaan government campaigned for is doing to our people at their most weakest and most neediest time. I say never again, its everydog for himself.

Dont see how thats correct South Africans are no different than the AAs they blame somalis for their own lack of cohesivenes. Somalis themselves have been thriving in businesses all over Africa and making the natives pissed off naturally!

We cant teach them what we do as it is based on clan.

Brother you need to be pragmatic and try to understand things from different perspectives. Those SJWs are an industry, majority of them have spent 3/4 years doing worthless degree, and so, all they have in life is complaining and moaning, matter of fact they don't even know what to do with they life and when we pay attention to them we are sustaining and providing a platform for them to be something.

i am pragmatic thats why i have dedicated my time to concoct ideas to improve somali communities world wide and to protect our identity.

i have made various threads based on that

The SJWs are trying to attack somali identity and trying to mislead countless youth! All im doing is providing a seperate alternative narrative.
So that youth alike wont be brainwashed by the 24/7 victimhood and Self hate as this is truly self defeating!.
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The Afro American community have the right to flaunt that tag line #blacklivesmatter. Here in the Uk you hear
all the time, black man given life sentence for armed robbery, meanwhile a white man kills his wife in well thought out premeditated crime and is given just 9 years.
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