All out war imminent in Mugdi Mudug

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:bell:So suddenly being ridiculed by MJ's in MJspot makes you lapdance for them while attacking your own brother Sacad for defending its territory, walahi you put shame to Hawiye not only HG for booty-clapping for the same enemy that prides your past enslavement and wish for future enslaving of your people.

Nigga, STFU. We're feeding your women and children.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar

Deg Deg Dhagayso:Reer Galmudug Oo Dagaal Ku Baaqay”Qofkii Reer Galmudug Ah Ee Laga Maqlo Nabad Surkaa Laga Jarayaa.

Isimada Majeerten Oo Iclaamiyay Dagaal Ka Dhan Ah Beelaha Sacad

I dislike violence but i must say that War is the antidote that will heal the sickness that is strangling Mudug.

There is never an all out war in Mudug, it's pretty much always confined to Galkayo and between Sacad and reer Puntland

South Mudug got nothing to do with this bickering :idontlike:

Sacad needs to get their senses togheter and stop fucking up every peace deal, I'm being made a fool in all those threads smh :mjcry:

I hope for the best though. Cooler heads will prevail Insha'Allah

:bell:So suddenly being ridiculed by MJ's in MJspot makes you lapdance for them while attacking your own brother Sacad for defending its territory, walahi you put shame to Hawiye not only HG for booty-clapping for the same enemy that prides your past enslavement and wish for future enslaving of your people.

So sxb wake the f*ck up and smell the roses cause its do or die and not in-between, either treacherously fight your brother Sacad or fight as one and together against common foe!

Nigga, STFU. We're feeding your women and children.

I usually as a rule do not comment smaller fishes in the pond as you being an langaab, but since i am in happier mood cause of the war proclamation i will ignore that rule for today.

So langaabow armaDILDO your folks bark and bark with war noises but have nothing thereafter to show for other then bullet marks in their back, so why is that???


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Galmudug militias tried to take over Gedo in the 90's and we sent them packing. If you don't do your job, you deserve a nuking.
MJs are known to be kind, charitable people but this time we had enough, we wipe the cockroaches off. Inshallah.

Wlc back Shamis, you've been missed.
MJs are known to be kind, charitable people but this time we had enough, we wipe the cockroaches off. Inshallah.

Wlc back Shamis, you've been missed.

I heard it was more to the Leelkase dhinac of Puntland where the worst stuff was happening. It's not just MJs but all Darod seem to antogonise Hawiye and I say this as someone with significant Hawiye blood. Thanks for welcome back sis, I've missed reading your posts!


I heard it was more to the Leelkase dhinac of Puntland where the worst stuff was happening. It's not just MJs but all Darod seem to antogonise Hawiye and I say this as someone with significant Hawiye blood. Thanks for welcome back sis, I've missed reading your posts!

Currently Galmudug nomads beef is mainly with MJs not Leelkase. Occasionally Marehan (Wagardhac) and Salebaan or Sacad clash in the areas bordering Ethiopia.
Currently Galmudug nomads beef is mainly with MJs not Leelkase. Occasionally Marehan (Wagardhac) and Salebaan or Sacad clash in the areas bordering Ethiopia.

I see, I heard they were trying to take over Leelkase land but I might be mistaken. They beef MJ because MJ run Puntland. Galmudug won't be happy until all of Mudug is in their hands and MJ won't stand for that.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I heard it was more to the Leelkase dhinac of Puntland where the worst stuff was happening. It's not just MJs but all Darod seem to antogonise Hawiye and I say this as someone with significant Hawiye blood. Thanks for welcome back sis, I've missed reading your posts!
How do Darood Antagonize hawiye?
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