All time favorite muslim Dynasties

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Abbasid (750-1258)

Gaznavids (977-1186)

Mamluk (1250-1517)

Adal Empire (1415-1577)

Ottoman empire (1299-1923)

What yours?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Majeertenia Sultanate 1770-1925
Hobyo Sultanate 1840-1927
Marna Rashiid Marna Razaq inta kale ma rotiya dynasty 1960-1969
The Ummayad Dynasty of Andalusia, although i do not agree with Islam a lot of times, they seemed to be a pious bunch of people and contributed immensely to the development and growth of knowledge throughout the medieval world
The Ummayad Dynasty of Andalusia, although i do not agree with Islam a lot of times, they seemed to be a pious bunch of people and contributed immensely to the development and growth of knowledge throughout the medieval world

It was actually Caliphate of Cordoba that sparked the Golden Age


Gorgon, you have to love those guys - we're their last surviving descendents.


You're right, they were very advance for their time. I apericate their beauty and the richness of their culture. But still iffy due to fircoon himself.


That never happened. The empire fell due to large scale invasions by Persians and Arabs.
That never happened. The empire fell due to large scale invasions by Persians and Arabs.
Dont be silly Shamis, obviously the pharoah was a wicked man who defied God , so Allah made it rain frogs and killed every first born son of egypt in their sleep to teach him a lesson. Go learn some history m8 /s. :lolbron:
Adal empire and for giving habashes nightmares for 100s of years

Ottomans Empire for enslaving and murdering the white devils for centuries

Insha'Allah another lion with spirit of Imam Ahmed Gurey will rise among us and

put those braindead habash and all their dabodhilif in their spot for eternity ameen.


We need a Somali leader to rise amongst us---a real man with integrity and love for his people. The worthless Habashis and Kenyan Bantus will be put in their place soon enough inshaAllah.
I dont get why Gurey is so celebrated:drakewtf: The only thing he did was try conquer a neighbouring empire whom we largely had peaceful relations with, and failed miserably, which caused his state to collapse. I swear we are seeing a trend in somali leaders :drakegrin:
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