Already thinking about uni 🧐🧐


Prima Hablood
It’s a place full of horny men and women.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
UK mogs when it comes to university. I went to a local school here in the US simply because it was cheap and I couldn't afford moving out of state to somewhere better. If I born in London I could have gone to any top school there and still lived with family
Yeah I go to a great uni but still live home. Bit far but it's worth the extra lacag I have


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
In my case it's not really worth it for undergrad since I pay nothing via financial aid alone, I know some Somalis that get a couple grand back per semester since they did well in high school
Most grad schools give modest stipends and housing to students so it shouldn't be a problem then
If money isn't an issue and you got a good offer I would go for it and get accommodation 100% imo
Honestly if I was you I’d look to do a degree apprenticeship. They raised uni fees and the payback loans, if you know what you’re going to do there’s no point leaving yourself in crippling debt.

