Prince of Lasanod
Eid trim pending
Even if they were to win and defeat Amisom and the government, they would not be able to rule due to the amount of violence they would continuously inflict. Your pants are too long? whipping! you have been raped? we stone you! You don't grow a beard? whipping! You don't wear a hijab? stoning!
What these terror groups do not understand is that they cannot have a modern nation-state governed by them. They can forcefully takeover such a state, but it would immediately devolve into a fourth world hellhole. They are totally allergic to anything modern as it weakens their grip on the minds of those they wish to rule. This is why Alshabab and ISIS ban the internet wherever they have control.
I remember hearing how ISIS said they wont stop until they go rome... it reminded me of how al shabbab said they wont stop their "jihad" until they are at addis abbas. These retards live in their own fantasy i swear.