Brummie born & bred
Isn't this shirk? You said Gurunda or whatever would forgive her. There is no god but Allah. Get that through your head.Ok so at work I influenced my coworker to eat my delicious baris with lamb, she told me she can't eat meat due to her Sikh beliefs and she's a full vegetarian. I told her nobody is here , just try only once and rate my food.I felt like I peer pressured her into it. I told her God is forgiving and guruwanda will forgive her she laughed and ate it, and told me it was so good and she couldn't believe and was supprised that Somali food was tasty , she only thought indians made the best food lol.
Anyway is what I did wrong or against Islam?
Other than that, I don't see what you did wrong. Allah made Hilib halaal.