Am I a hypocrite?

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Suicidal men adore me.
At the end of the day a relationship works well when both parties can manage each others expectations. My ex hated it when I spent on her because she knew I was crap at saving. She was thinking of our future, that was true love:mjcry:

I just can't with these kind of threads anymore, the feels that overtake

Aaaw all jokes aside if you wanna talk about it I'll gladly listen. Hopefully everything gets better for you :heart:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
All of that isn't free walaal. There's going to be a return on the investment. :diddyass:

Please elaborate I am very slow tonight:vo3yidw:
At the end of the day a relationship works well when both parties can manage each others expectations. My ex hated it when I spent on her because she knew I was crap at saving. She was thinking of our future, that was true love:mjcry:

I just can't with these kind of threads anymore, the feels that overtake

Sorry to hear that

Your ex seems like a good woman and I hope things work with you and her

But again dinner isn't going to backrupt you.

You Faraxs are cheapass and very stingy I feel sorry for the women who will marry you lot.


Stay real in the everything fake era
Never knew the words "Nayaa Kaac Cuunto Kari" could have such a scarring effects on females....:holeup:


future pirate king
What is the purpose of men if they don't pay for our stuff and cater to us females.:childplease: I mean we do carry another human being inside us for 9 months while getting fattttt and being sick. Paying for us is the leaaasttt u can do wtf. I have never paid for a date and would never.

If a girl likes you she does everything for you, maybe you've never been in love


Why would you want a women to pay for you anyways? Isn't that insult to your manhood?

We women want to have things paid for, have doors held open for us and be seen right to our front door at the end of a date. If you can't provide all that and ask her to contribute a little dinner then why would you ask her out to begin with.
Why would that be insult and not the other way around? Its up to everyone how to spend their money. I dont mind paying or holding up doors etc, I see dont see these things as big things but I dont owe anyone shit so stop acting like it.
Norwegian women always pay for their stuff:cosbyhmm:

When I get a good paying job I'll be happy to pay for someone whom I'm already in a relationship with. Not gonna pay for a maybe date.
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