Am I missing something: Why are Somali men mad at this woman?


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Complaining does something. In fact, if it doesn't do anything, why are Somali men so afraid of women like Sheikh Muna? If complaining does nothing, then why are men going to the lengths they are to shut her up.

And btw you shut the f*ck up.

I can say what I like. And I will continue to tell the truth about loser, failure Somali men, who have fucked up our country.
Nobody gives a f about ayeeyo muna enough to change themselves and their communities for you to stop complaining, going to lengths to shut her up as I'm sure you can agree has no net positives whatsoever. And no you shut the hell up, how can you attack the men of your ethnicity and claim to be part of that ethnicity nacasad, you can say whatever comes to your retarded brain but expecting support for the molested thoughts that you vocalise will only be a disappointment.
We as a people have only fucked ourselves over and we as a people, both genders by the way, must be together to change ourselves.
As for polygamy, Somalia is a unique place in the sense that the poor Fakiir man that can’t pay for wife’s hospital bills will try and marry a second wife.
You see, these men shouldn’t get married again but you have a willing partner here (the women) who had a choice of marrying the guy you’re describing or marrying the guy who couldn’t afford anything at all. She choose the first guy to marry because he gave her a leg up in terms of her economic situation, it takes two to tango. Maybe advice for her should be to wait out for a better opportunity but it’s hard when that guy can give you quicker access to resources and you’re struggling.
If it was just the men with money marrying again, that would be the least of the worries of Somali women back home.
It’s all about position here (not saying I agree with it) but even avarage income Somali men will be able to find more than one wife in a polygamous marital society, because there’s a a lot of women who aren’t marrying men on their economic status (the fakiir) and if he can treat them fairly then there’s no problem, the system works.

The only issue would be the man being sensible and fair with his finances, which does tend to be a problem no question.

In the end of the day, you have to accept that polygamous marriages will be the norm when basic nessestiee means certain men can’t get marriage, setting it up correctly within a culture is of course important (according to sharia). But you still have to contend with that aspect regardless.
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You see, these men shouldn’t get married again but you have a willing partner her (the women) who had a choice of marrying the guy you’re describing or marrying the guy who couldn’t afford anything at all. She choose the second guy to marry because he gave her a leg up in terms of her economic situation, it takes two to tango. Maybe advice for her should be to wait out for a better opportunity but it’s hard when that guy can give you quicker access to resources and you’re struggling.
You know when that Muna Sheikh advised women to not marry very poor men, a lot of the backlash came from women themselves. I don’t want to come for my people, but people elope or just marry sometimes without any care for anything and the women there are easily lied to and led to believe something that’s not real. They even having a saying, lead with lies, live with her in truth.

You will really need to go back home for a couple of months to see what I’m talking about and deep how crazy it is.
It’s all about position here (not saying I agree with it) but even avarage income Somali men will be able to find more than one wife in a polygamous marital society, because there’s a a lot of women who aren’t marrying men on their economic status (the fakiir).
The women here are marrying Fakhir and you’ll see them giving birth in camps and all sorts of selling tomatoes or working as maids for families. Many are dying in childbirth over simple complications due to lack of funds for hospital.

Women here, the very poor marry and toil for their families and sometimes despite that their husbands will still try and marry another woman.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Yes and most women that enter Jannah are obviously not virgins but become virgins when they’re in Jannah, so your Kibir is also clear to see. Are your mothers and most women who are married with kids virgins?? Are you suggesting they don’t get to enter Jannah.

Poor people will not stay poor in Jannah ya nacaas.

Tek you’re very slow and I don’t have time do go back and forth with stupidity Wallahi.

This has to be the most low IQ rebuttal I’ve ever come across as unfortunately.
Me personally I prefer Garoobs, I dont care about virginity. But I wont deny many men do!
Me personally I prefer Garoobs, I dont care about virginity. But I wont deny many men do!
Great, so don’t deny that many women prefer a man that can provide a roof over their heads.

Tekniko, you’re a man that currently lives in Somalia. Can be please be honest and talk about the state of poverty over there and how many women work outside telling tomatoes and we have high rates of single motherhood?
You know when that Muna Sheikh advised women to not marry very poor men, a lot of the backlash came from women themselves. I don’t want to come for my people, but people elope or just marry sometimes without any care for anything and the women there are easily lied to and led to believe something that’s not real. They even having a saying, lead with lies, live with her in truth.

You will really need to go back home for a couple of months to see what I’m talking about and deep how crazy it is.
Nope all the stories I’ve heard all amount to a struggling women who married a richer guy without caring he’s already married, you’re talking about one offs.
The women here are marrying Fakhir and you’ll see them giving birth in camps and all sorts of selling tomatoes or working as maids for families. Many are dying in childbirth over simple complications due to lack of funds for hospital.
Fairy tales, Somali women aren’t marrying fakhir men who are already married, unless we’re talking about some situation where there’s way more women in these camps then men.

Just accept that polygamy is inevitable when certain men aren’t getting married, you have to contend with that fact, you can’t be agianst polygamy while also being for the fact that some men shouldn’t be married, this is hypocrisy.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Great, so don’t deny that many women prefer a man that can provide a roof over their heads.

Tekniko, you’re a man that currently lives in Somalia. Can be please be honest and talk about the state of poverty over there and how many women work outside telling tomatoes and we have high rates of single motherhood?
We are a weak state with very bad familial courts. If a woman is divorced and the scum bag husband refuses to provide she has no avenue to bring him to justice unfortunately. This can all be solved when Somali remove the culture of “naag la furay ilmaha la fura” culture which breeds deadbeats.

Its one aspect of the culture that is very anti Islamic and can only be solved by strict Sharia law with strong jurispudence. Somali men are not perfect but we do have a large percentage of scumbags that skirt their responsibilities. I have called it out myself.

Some of those hooyos working love their independence though and actually are married. The majority of khat seller ladies fall in this category.
Nope all the stories I’ve heard all amount to a struggling women who married a richer guy without caring he’s already married, you’re talking about one offs.
You’re talking about one-offs since somalia is a society in which 85% are somewhat poor with different levels.

There simply isn’t enough richer men or even dispora men to go around for you to suggest that im describing is one off and what you’re saying is the norm. Thats impossible and defies common sense.

The vast majority of people of the diaspora marry each other. The few married men that go back are indeed a minority and being with them is fierce competition which is why you have lots of cases of men having their pick of the litter who marry and divorce and treat back home like a playground. There has even been a documentary about this on channel 4 and I know of cases as well.

If all most women were marrying richer men or diaspora men we will have lower childhood poverty rates and high rates of unmarried men which we don’t.
Fairy tales, Somali women aren’t marrying fakhir men who are already married, unless we’re talking about some situation where there’s way more women in these camps then men.
They are. Somali men back home marry despite not having enough money for schools for their kids.

Go back and we’ll have this discussion then.
Just accept that polygamy is inevitable when certain men aren’t getting married, you have to contend with that fact, you can’t be agianst polygamy while also being for the fact that some men shouldn’t be married, this is hypocrisy.
Polygamy is already happening back home and the very poor are engaging in it. I don’t know what the point you’re trying to drum here? When have I said I’m against polygamy? How is that the topic? I’m against poor men marrying again and that’s what’s happening back home. Ask people and see for yourself.
We are a weak state with very bad familial courts. If a woman is divorced and the scum bag husband refuses to provide she has no avenue to bring him to justice unfortunately. This can all be solved when Somali remove the culture of “naag la furay ilmaha la fura” culture which breeds deadbeats.

Its one aspect of the culture that is very anti Islamic and can only be solved by strict Sharia law with strong jurispudence. Somali men are not perfect but we do have a large percentage of scumbags that skirt their responsibilities. I have called it out myself.

Some of those hooyos working love their independence though and actually are married. The majority of khat seller ladies fall in this category.
Okay since you’re back home isn’t it common for Somalis to marry again while being poor?

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You’re talking about one-offs since somalia is a society in which 85% are somewhat poor with different levels.

There simply isn’t enough richer men or even dispora men to go around for you to suggest that im describing is one off and what you’re saying is the norm. Thats impossible and defies common sense.
You’re smart enough to know that extremely poor women are marrying richer but still poor men, just cause they’re all poor to us doesn’t mean there’s a material difference in the resources available to them.
The vast majority of people of the diaspora marry each other. The few married men that go back are indeed a minority and being with them is fierce competition which is why you have lots of cases of men having their pick of the litter who marry and divorce and treat back home like a playground. There has even been a documentary about this on channel 4 and I know of cases as well.
Who’s talking about the diaspora?
They are. Somali men back home marry despite not having enough money for schools for their kids.

Go back and we’ll have this discussion then.
Yet they still have enough to entice poorer women with what they have, just cause it looks all like poverty to you doesn’t mean there’s discrete difference between access to resources that these people see clearly.
Polygamy is already happening back home and the very poor are engaging in it. I don’t know what the point you’re trying to drum here? When have I said I’m against polygamy? How is that the topic? I’m against poor men marrying again and that’s what’s happening back home. Ask people and see for yourself.
As long as you have no issue with polygamy itself then there’s no issue or hypocrisy, I only assumed so because you seem to abuse the idea of polygamous marriages every time you talk about it without any nuance as to how it should be done, this obviously confuses the reader as you don’t make distinction and bash the topic at hand which leads to people thinking you’re against it period.

As long as I made you concede that polygamy is a requirement and can’t be avoided I’m good unless you tell the women to abstain too which is a different situation.
You’re smart enough to know that extremely poor women are marrying richer but still poor men, just cause they’re all poor to us doesn’t mean there’s a material difference in the resources available to them.
They’re not poorer. They’re the same level, it’s just that as woman she’s expected to marry and might not go off to work from a young age like the man who is of the same social level. I’ve noticed women in Somalia tend to work once they’re mothers and have to make ends meet or if they’re middle class/rich and can get a nice cushy job.

My point is, even if the man is albeit slightly richer, his first set of kids suffer more as they have a step down in lifestyle. If they were eating three meals a day, they’re not eating two meals a day. Do you get it?
Who’s talking about the diaspora?

Yet they still have enough to entice poorer women with what they have, just cause it looks all like poverty to you doesn’t mean there’s discrete difference between access to resources that these people see clearly.
No, he has what she was raised with but she married so that her father has one less mouth to feed.
As long as you have no issue with polygamy itself then there’s no issue or hypocrisy, I only assumed so because you seem to abuse the idea of polygamous marriages every time you talk about it without any nuance as to how it should be done, this obviously confuses the reader as you don’t make distinction and bash the topic at hand which leads to people thinking you’re against it period.
I talk about polygamy in the Somali context in which a broke man marries again which is incredibly common. It’s common here in the West in which aunties that work in care and their husbands sit around and go back home to marry and the man that lives a step above a tin house back home marries again.


And why are they poorer than they are supposed to be?

1. Their ancestors decided to marry multiple women and split the family inheritance too much
2. Their ancestors fostered culture where manual labour is despised, and a lot of the work back home, is manual labour.
3. The ones that do find work, self-employed, but they want to make their few cents stretch between several households or chew khat.

All the issues in Somalia are MAN-MADE, with easy solutions.

But it's easier to blame women, live off of women, and generally be weak.
spot on
If that was the case she wouldn’t have also
mentioned men that are eating Khat doing nothing all day. Her lecture wasn’t even fully shown. They heard one part they didn’t like and the whole of society bullied her and ganged up on her.

Also, context is key here. If she was talking to a Western Somali audience, her backlash would be warranted. But in Somali society, a place in which 90% are poor, Fakhiir clearly means the bottom rung. Any man that doesn’t have money but can provide a small apartment and food isn’t poor in Somali society.
I haven’t seen her full video, just seen the viral clips.

Some of our women are marrying and birth in camps or have to go back to parents house for meals. Don’t underestimate the poverty back home that would make us privileged Western girls rip our hair out.
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My 2 cents....

If you cannot provide for someone or at least take care of the majority of their expenses, you have no place to discuss the issue of marriage. Interesting how many of the guys here who use Islam to demand their rights conveniently ignore the Islamic obligation of providing for the wife. Pick and choose coctail Islam is what it is with them.

However, it's also good to know that financial stability isn't really ever going to be in your 20s, so why not wait a few years? Make the search only once you are in a dignified position as someone who has himself together and can take care of their responsibilities.

The issue we have today is many guys want all the privileges that marriage has to offer with the most minimal input possible and if you ask them if they would be pleased with that scenario for their own daughter they would be offended. It's an absolute disgrace.
The thing you described is exactly the reason so many Somali women from back home are willing to be the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wive. You’re just describing reality.

I know. Hence, why I said polygamy is better than starving.

The men who are angry at Sheikh Muna, are angry that she just talked about the sad facts on the ground in Somalia.
My 2 cents....

If you cannot provide for someone or at least take care of the majority of their expenses, you have no place to discuss the issue of marriage. Interesting how many of the guys here who use Islam to demand their rights conveniently ignore the Islamic obligation of providing for the wife. Pick and choose coctail Islam is what it is with them.

However, it's also good to know that financial stability isn't really ever going to be in your 20s, so why not wait a few years? Make the search only once you are in a dignified position as someone who has himself together and can take care of their responsibilities.

The issue we have today is many guys want all the privileges that marriage has to offer with the most minimal input possible and if you ask them if they would be pleased with that scenario for their own daughter they would be offended. It's an absolute disgrace.

This waiting and working period, will also teach a man about sexual discipline and restraint. Ultimately, making for a better husband in general.


This waiting and working period, will also teach a man about sexual discipline and restraint. Ultimately, making for a better husband in general.

Most men in their 20s are not ready for the responsibilities of marriage especially in the Western hemisphere even if they have financial stability. It's a mindset issue. Only later in life will someone genuinely appreciate companionship and would persevere to make things work. Most nowadays would run away at the first significant challenge that comes their way. Waiting is good and gives time for someone to sort themselves out.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Okay since you’re back home isn’t it common for Somalis to marry again while being poor?

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Unfortunately such cases are common without serious checks and balances abuse can easily occur. Nothing is worst than a xaasid step mom raising your kid
It's not madow worship to acknowledge the fact that some black countries are better to live in.
right? but a certain person had to insert their precious madow men here. this thread would have never been this long if somebody didn't lie on madow men. it's interesting IT is talking about mules yet props up the most useless men ever. I'm supposed to believe that madow men are comparable to other races of men lol

"Cadaan, Arab and Madow men taking care of your women because they actually built safe countries for their people, unlike Somali men"
She can't even bring proof on how her dusty men take care of their women and their safe countries. Call me insults all you want; at the end of the day, I'm not the one who's a pick me. it will be a cold day in hell before i say anything positive about an african male including the lamagoodle male,
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Listen to thise wise Somali Sheikh not some charlatan from the West peddling feminism.

Masha'Allah, this Sheikh comes across knowledgeable, reflective, and balanced. Thank you for sharing.

Eedo Muna must continue her activism for calling on women to seek, marry 'good' men with her target being chat-chewing, fag-stained, sha7ad-seeking, dole-queueing, female-purse assailling, family-neglecting wastrels; she ought to sharpen her rhetoric, draw a clear distinction so as to not alienate 'good' men, wrongly influence 'good' women into a life of solitude, and seek alliance amongst good men, advocate for good men, as she has done in the other clip warning against gender bouts. There are so many 'good' poor men, as whether one is poor or not is predetermined well beyond one's control. Rizq comes from the Almighty. One must seek it, sweat, and work for it.

Further, she ought to remove the 'material' element from her argument, which if anything dilutes validity in her good arguments. Let not the culture of popularity, adulation by hungry hordes get to her head.

As the wise man said: do not make Shuyukh, nor seek knowledge and wisdom from wo(men), who possess neither.

As agile as Eedo @Angelina is, one would expect she would be a bit more selective, if discriminating in her quest of genuine source of wisdom. As admirable as she is, Ms Muna is no Rabi3a al 3adawiya nor Fatima al Fihri.

She could play similar role by great women, who came before her incl.
- Fatima Jibril (env.),
- Hawa Adam (edu.),
- Aisha Ghelle (micro econ. dev.),
- Khadija Cosoble (micro econ. dev.),
- Even Edna* Adam (health)
(* I must add a disclaimer, and be cautious, for this lady is rather toxic, even if revered in Hargeysa).

As an egalitarian society, our women enjoy a great deal of freedoms, could not be forced into marriage, with exceptions, which are rare, unlike some traditional Asian cultures. Instead, circumstance breeds a culture where young girls are being exploited by villainous libertines. Like others before her, Ms Muna could wage a war against this new exploitative culture.
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