Am I the only one who think it's a disgrace to put hijabis on 5 year olds?

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Lets be honest most of the time they're pressured. If those same little girls said that wanted to go swimming or wear a a normal kids tank top they wouldn't be allowed to so let's not pretend that Somali parents are some sort of freedom of choice crusaders.

Little Somali girl "I want to wear this"

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Somali parents reaction

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I agree forcing them or pressuring them at that age is wrong.

Ruunti I ain't a parent or a girl. I don't have knowledge or experience on this subject. But, if parents give their little daughter a hijab and the kid is cool with it then there's no issue in my opinion. That's just how the parents chose to raise their kid. Everyone raises their kids differently.


It is so true wallahi. So much emphasis is put on appearance when it comes to somali girls, these ppl would rather you look the part of a good muslim than act the part, It's insane
There's too much of a focus on outer appearance rather than inner. Why make your daughter wear hijab why not teach her good character and morals first? Then when she comes of age she can make that choice. Parents are the first teachers if you're telling your kid to wear a hijab because God wants you to and he sees everything. Kids are not stupid. They see these same mothers pretending to be single mothers to get welfare even though the dad is around. Does God not see that too? Walaa gudaa hablaha markey yaryihiin and that is absolutely haram. You just can't pick and choose.
This thread just gave me a sick idea. If my son ever pisses me off imma make that little nigga wear a macawis to school :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Cambuulo Tonight

Poultry in motion
I see it specifically with Somalis more than other ethnic groups. They are kids.

My friend is a school teacher and even in PE classed she sees 6/7/8/9 year old Somali girls running around with a hijabi in sports halls. Their parents refused to let them take it off.

Inb4 "but what if they want it" - what if they also want to play video games for 6 straight hours. They are kids.
Some mothers are ashamed of their daughters nappy hairs, some are just too lazy to clean, comb them. It has nothing to do with the deen.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Look at this gaal pagan apostate who gave you a right to talk about Muslims? Your opinion is irrelevant waskanyo no dhiig having swine consuming utter pestilence, the type to probably watch his sister give dome to a gang of man next to him and not bat an eye-lid qashin foqol qashin.
I only see this happening in the Muslamic ghetto neighborhoods. In the majority white neighborhoods the Somali parents don't do this as they are afraid the child will get teased.

Yes, teach children from a young age that they should always bend their principles to suit whatever is accepted by the majority.

Nah. I wore hijab since 5 years old and it taught me:

1. Don't be afraid to stand out
2. Your value does not come from your looks
3. Wear and like whatever you want - nobody has the right to make you feel weird because you don't like/wear/dress/act the same as things as them.


Nobody puts a hijab on a child to protect them, it's literally to build a habit. If you think these 5 year old girls you see out in the streets wear a hijab as serious as a grown woman does you're kidding yourself. And them not participating in activities such as swimming etc. is utter nonsense, if it does happen it's likely a very small minority. Their mothers wear a hijab for a reason and therefore try to instill the habit into their daughters. If you disagree with that then we've reached an impasse.
Yes I think its wrong for parents to force them. I mean I have chosen to wear the hijab at 6 no one forced me it was just that I didn't like my mom doing my hair every morning as it used to hurt so the hijab was just convenient.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Yes I think its wrong for parents to force them. I mean I have chosen to wear the hijab at 6 no one forced me it was just that I didn't like my mom doing my hair every morning as it used to hurt so the hijab was just convenient.

If you chose to wear this at 6, 7 or 8, your mum would allow it? Lol.



Accomplished Saaxir
now i'm even against that one ,worst aspect of somali culture in my opinion, it should be eradicated within our generation

Female circumcision is within the bounds and limits of Islam. Whilst not compulsory it's seen as virtuous.

Basically the practice isn't deemed haraam.



It depends on the parents?

Some families force it from very early. Some have their daughters wear it basically to the masjid and Eid until they get their period. Some don't make u wear it at all, and it's not "enforced".
I don't think twice when a little girl wears it.

I saw a infant that was about a year old wearing one. I couldn't believe it. It was a choking hazard.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
When I went Somalia three year olds were wearing jilbabs. I was like no way! Al Shabab got to them hard. :deadmanny:


Do you wear hijab? And it's indeed ugly asf I rip those disgusting thinges up and burn them into an oblivion nacalah I hate jilbaab those black Arabian gay shit sheets single handedly destroyed somali culture walllahi billahi I'm finna spit on an aran f*ck Arabs for this bs burka bullshit f*ck!
No. I wasn't "trained" to wear it. Before I would wear it when I prayed. I attempted to become very religious for a period and started wearing the headscarf full time.. I took it off after the episode, and my parents were pissed for taking it back off like I was making a mockery of hijab/deen, but they're back to normal now somewhat.
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