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Idk those weird dudes that call you dudubles plaything

Yeah doesn't help you dont participate in FKD

as @Abdalla said you have to put like a certain percentage of your karbaashes on a qabiil. As a marexan It'd be
65% Isaaq
20% Hawiye
15% Majerteen

Your a lousy marexan :shookgabre:
And you're very wrong, sxb.
If you're gonna teach fkd, at least teach it right! You're a lousy qabilist.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
As a fellow member if Beesha Sade and your uncle.


I recommend you quit this site Ader macaan Khaadija, there's no benefit, a bunch of gaals will pollute your mind. For God sake we got women creating NoFap threads and lesbian Butch's like @Steamdevolopment

Run away asap!!
@Benjamin what is your qabil? i think you are ogaden. If so just visit your village and meet your local clansmen.

Yeah just don't engage in FDK . you will waste precious time and you will not gain anything.


Beesha Reer KPOP!
As a fellow member if Beesha Sade and your uncle.


I recommend you quit this site Ader macaan Khaadija, there's no benefit, a bunch of gaals will pollute your mind. For God sake we got women creating NoFap threads and lesbian Butch's like @Steamdevolopment

Run away asap!!
It's quite hard to run away when you're chained to this site
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