Xamar Living
because she helped compose songs for may allah grant him jannah caydiidWhy are these folks crying
because she helped compose songs for may allah grant him jannah caydiidWhy are these folks crying
Agreed she wasn’t good while she was alive it’s between her and Allah in her deathIt's not in the culture of us to cuss the dead, aun to her.
you're comprehension skills are abysmal
the co-ed writer's message was "women are used as proxies" and that "the civil war brought out the worst in us"
not once did she bad mouth magool (AUN) she said "my grandma hated magool's clan" and that "magool hated our clan"
Why are these folks crying
Rageedi. Then again I heard unfathomable stories about '91 Mogadishu and beyond, like bayoneting a pregnant woman and other unspeakable crimes committed in that era by all sides.It's not in the culture of us to cuss the dead, aun to her.
Boowe, do I have to break it down for you? The author starts off her whole piece highlighting the despicable actions of Magool. This op-ed isn't the first of its kind. It continues the narrative that Magool was part and parcel of the clan cleansing campaign against non-Hawiyes in Mogadishu. It's no coincidence that this piece comes out as a compilation of pre-civil war Somali music was nominated for a Grammy. She's being set apart from her peers for a reason and being painted as the warmonger that she was. No one gives a f*ck if her clan cousin held a funeral for her especially when he wasn't recognized as the President by more than 2/3rds of the country and had no power in the 1/3 occupied by his clan.
I'm sorry that you're too slow to connect the dots. This is chess nigga, not checkers.
Boowe, do I have to break it down for you? The author starts off her whole piece highlighting the despicable actions of Magool. This op-ed isn't the first of its kind. It continues the narrative that Magool was part and parcel of the clan cleansing campaign against non-Hawiyes in Mogadishu. It's no coincidence that this piece comes out as a compilation of pre-civil war Somali music was nominated for a Grammy. She's being set apart from her peers for a reason and being painted as the warmonger that she was. No one gives a f*ck if her clan cousin held a funeral for her especially when he wasn't recognized as the President by more than 2/3rds of the country and had no power in the 1/3 occupied by his clan.
I'm sorry that you're too slow to connect the dots. This is chess nigga, not checkers.
You're feisty attitudes are getting, but sadly they wasted on inter-clan nonsense
All succesful socities learn to forgive, not for the other's sake but their own, you delinquent qabilist
continue indulging yourself in your fantasy
Magool's legacy is known worldwide from china to the west
nobody cares what a refugee from an opposing clan has to say
the cleansing of xamar was inevitable
and magool had not much to do with it.
stop the calcaal and move on
Whatever you're smoking is laced.
I'm a proud qabilist so trying to use that against me as some sort of smear or insult is futile.
Forgiveness requires reconciliation and reconciliation can not occur without remorse. Take a stroll through the clan section and you'll soon see the true nature of the two-faced Somali nationalist. One such example is a certain member who was pridefully showing off about his clan killing thousands of innocent civilians during the civil war, but outside of that section he's a wadani calling for peace and development. Maybe you're gullible enough to fall for that shit, but I'm not. I'll stick to being a qabilist.
fact remains magool (AUN) was a legend
she made some songs for may allah grant him jannah. caydiid
and that's why people hate on her
caydiid (may allah grant him fardosa) was a somali hero and nationalist.Do you know how ridiculous you sound? You're begging Allah to grant Jannah to a war criminal with the blood of thousands of innocent people on his hands and his song writing warmongering sidekick? Surely you speak not of the Islamic God and heaven. You must be referring to the Christian heaven where singers are needed to play sidekick to the harpists.
Any person of worth knows you do not measure thyself in comparison to the degenerates of our a society
Furthermore to rebuild as the somali there is needed for us to act as the positive change we want to see, but I see you have no wish for change if it does not conform to your (ill)-will
You don't get it. The same people you uphold as the noble members of Somali society are in fact the worst kind of degenerates. I think it's time you gave up on Somalia and crisscrossed the border back to Ethiopia.
caydiid (may allah grant him fardosa) was a somali hero and nationalist.
and magool(AUN) wasn't the only who was entangled in the civil war at the time
saado cali warsame was making songs for the darods.
as i said stop the calcaal and move on.
I believe people are what the circumstances make them
I can only wonder what made a woman as cold hearted as you, sister I wish your worst days be over
*Certain SomalisYou're not going to control me in my own topic. If you don't like the topic, leave but I'll be damned if you try to shut me up.
Aidiid declared himself to be the President of Somalia yet until today his presidency has yet to recognized. He is seen as nothing more than a war criminal by the world and, yes, by Somalis too.