I recently finished reading the untold stories of the mass rape of Germanic women by the red army when they took east Germany
It's estimated to be millions essentially a pay back for what the Nazis did to Russian females in their conquest were they engaged in mass rape
What goes around comes around, those that fail to stand up to oppression being committed by their own (silence is consent) will at some point suffer the consequences of that blow back
What's amazing is how every other nation particularly Europeans were the rapes were in the 10's of millions and murders in the 100 million ranges dwarfing anything we ever did to each other got over it and you never find them quarrel about this, yet we have topics on this weekly
Saado Ali (aun) and magool (aun) both had legitimate reasons to be angry and both are with their lord today, only a sick person would hate them, Hate is a vile characteristic of the losers and bottom feeders in a society, no sane or mentally healthy person would ever have hatred in their heart for anyone
The entire Somali conflict began because of colonial & later constant foreign interferences to destabilise the people, prior to this, conflicts were scarce and never major, they were quickly resolved by our elders
Deflect, downplay what happened, shift the blame to external sources. Rinse and repeat.
You could have saved yourself the trouble. No one on this forum has any expectation that you will condemn the actions of your cousins.