American Calvinism the deep theology of US culture

Interesting lecture I watched couple days ago explaining the deep theology of American culture. This theology is what lead to the capitalism and success we see today in America and the other Anglo Calvinist nations today not sure if it is similar to Islam but I can say we share the doctrine of predestination we call it Qadr or fate in English. On the doctrine of divine election though I don't think we share that we are more similar to the Catholic school of thought in that we believe in works also.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
One of the reason why American and canada became much more successful than Latin America is because Protestants read and wrote in the language they read the Bible and had strict discipline rewarding hard work , independence and meritocracy

Post feudal English model of free market and private property rights really helps speed development in a country and besides the Protestants where allowed to have weapons to defend themselves from native raids while spanish soldiers had to rely on incompetent soldiers who were spread to thin
One of the reason why American and canada became much more successful than Latin America is because Protestants read and wrote in the language they read the Bible and had strict discipline rewarding hard work , independence and meritocracy

Post feudal English model of free market and private property rights really helps speed development in a country and besides the Protestants where allowed to have weapons to defend themselves from native raids while spanish soldiers had to rely on incompetent soldiers who were spread to thin
Yep look at catholic countries today very much third world level and overpopulated due to a promiscuous culture among Catholics. We should learn from the Anglo prot nations and also value this
"hard work, independence and a merit based system" I don't think we currently do that in our country.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Yep look at catholic countries today very much third world level and overpopulated due to a promiscuous culture among Catholics. We should learn from the Anglo prot nations and also value this
"hard work, independence and a merit based system" I don't think we currently do that in our country.
Catholic countries such as Spain and Italy practiced Russian style oligarchy where only the elite could accumulate wealth and had any rights and allowed themselves to be exploited by the greedy Catholic Church

There is a reason why the Pope and Freemasons hate each other freemasons freed Anglo countries from monarchy and separated church and state while encouraging other countries to adopt secularism and overthrow there monarchy

Catholics are not promiscuous they believe sex is only for creation of life however Latin America and the Philippines took a different turn