American Oday goes undercover as a Simp and exposes Dhoocils


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This is the ultimate level of dayuusnimo, imagine the humiliation that Aabe felt as he graced upon the image of his daughter spreading her legs for a cheap price sent directly to his WhatsApp.



King Of NSFW
This is the ultimate level of dayuusnimo, imagine the humiliation that Aabe felt as he graced upon the image of his daughter spreading her legs for a cheap price sent directly to his WhatsApp.

Akhi get a vasectomy before its too late
This is the ultimate level of dayuusnimo, imagine the humiliation that Aabe felt as he graced upon the image of his daughter spreading her legs for a cheap price sent directly to his WhatsApp.

And all she got in return....

Was an apple and a smile :)


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