Americans dissing tf out of Canada online rn…. But they’re right


Sxb we all understand that this is Trump last term in office. But one person that more popular them Trump is his VP Jd Vance. This guy smokes all Democrats. He's even liked my there voters. Average American are tired of the gay agenda. We want realistic things like less taxes and cheaper house. Just understand Trump pulled us out of war in the middle East. While joe came in and founded 2 wars in one term. We as American want our tax dollars to stay in America not cause problems in the world. This is the sentiment of Americans which cause Trump back in the white house.
MAGA are divided when it comes to JD Vance. Some of them don't fully trust him. They don't like the fact that he has an Indian wife. Democrats need someone charismatic, and they would destroy these Republicans.
The dems are mentally retarded khaniisyo who support ridiculous shit like trans rights, genocide in gaza (both parties), and open borders to allow in Hispanic ciyaal weero on steroids. They are weak spineless and effeminate and can’t be taken seriously. They need a complete overhaul and to abandon this khaniis agenda if they are to come back to power.
They will eventually purge the weirdos if they become too hot. These people aren't stupid
The problem is TRUDEAU got in to America politics and insulted President Trump when he was going through all of those court battles with the Democrats. If Trudeau would have stayed out of it and not commenting on Trump y'all would have been fine. But your gay tard TRUDEAU had to talk about a person who was a President of American just to be buddy buddy with Democrats. Now y'all suffering for his f*ck up. President Trump is not an ass hole. If TRUDEAU apologized for his comments Trump would not given y'all 25% Tariffs. But is Trudeau willing to apologize?
I’m not talking about trump and I’m literally shitting on Trudeau literally.. yall are not getting me.

If you don’t wanna read even 1% of what I’m saying that’s okay but just don’t even fucking waste your time and my time commenting. Like Where are the Canadians,?
Literally if yall don’t wanna read 1% what im saying that’s okay but nobody even understand the point of what I said. Like just don’t even fucking reply then…. Ugh
This tariff thing never made sense to me. Weren't MAGA people just complaining about high cost of living and inflation under Biden? Now they're volunteering to pay more money on goods so they can win some invisible gus measuring competition? Not the brightest bunch of people I've seen in my life.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
This tariff thing never made sense to me. Weren't MAGA people just complaining about high cost of living and inflation under Biden? Now they're volunteering to pay more money on goods so they can win some invisible gus measuring competition? Not the brightest bunch of people I've seen in my life.
61% of oil coming into America comes through Canada. Actual brain dead politics

Poivilievre plans to counter the tariffs are actually really good.

His plan is two folds, tarries aimed at industries/products they can source locally or from elsewhere and lower taxes on work, investment, production domestically and increase energy production

This is a sound policy that can lead to an increase in productivity, investments, production, that will lower productions costs , etc and also make Canadian goods more affordable even with the tariffs and lower production cost can offset the tax on Canadian export by the US.
The orange retard is gonna chimp out abroad until November 4, 2026 when the Democrats win the House and then all this insanity will be directed at Americans and not foreigners. American politics, even with Trump, has become very predictable.

