According to oral stories that I've heard, D&M came to their lands ~1500-1600. Leysaan (which dodn't exist as a confederacy yet), together with Baay-Haraqaan, came first to Sarmaang as subs of a greater clan before slowly expanding west, south-west and south. Even Berdaale used to be Eelaay land which Leysaan took.I don't know the exact dates. When it comes to Baardheere maybe 300 years ago due to that being when Baardheere was settled as a city and established as a centre for knowledge by Baardheere Jamaacah According to my limited knowledge. Leysaan stronghold Berdaale is not too far from Baardheere in the firstplace as well as Macalinweyne areas of Baay and Bakool.
According to oral traditions Gasaargude settled in the 1300s in Luuq region.