An interesting somewhat detailed map of southern somalia 1910 ad.

I don't know the exact dates. When it comes to Baardheere maybe 300 years ago due to that being when Baardheere was settled as a city and established as a centre for knowledge by Baardheere Jamaacah According to my limited knowledge. Leysaan stronghold Berdaale is not too far from Baardheere in the firstplace as well as Macalinweyne areas of Baay and Bakool.

According to oral traditions Gasaargude settled in the 1300s in Luuq region.
According to oral stories that I've heard, D&M came to their lands ~1500-1600. Leysaan (which dodn't exist as a confederacy yet), together with Baay-Haraqaan, came first to Sarmaang as subs of a greater clan before slowly expanding west, south-west and south. Even Berdaale used to be Eelaay land which Leysaan took.
According to oral stories that I've heard, D&M came to their lands ~1500-1600. Leysaan (which dodn't exist as a confederacy yet), together with Baay-Haraqaan, came first to Sarmaang as subs of a greater clan before slowly expanding west, south-west and south. Even Berdaale used to be Eelaay land which Leysaan took.
Yes I've heard that too. Shibeelow which is a Leysaan Tuulo was also belonging to Eelaay after Eelaay gave it to Leysaan.

However I heard D&M came to occupy their current lands in the 1300s. Beesha Eelaay for example conquered their current territory of Buurhakaba in the 1300s according to their own oral traditions.
From what I read, Eelaay said that they came to the south 17 generations from 1920s (& in Buur Hakaba only 10 gen). Counting 4 gen = 100 years, we have 425 years, which would be around 1500 AD. Taking into account general inaccuracies in calculations from memory and certein elements in their story - such as Ajuraan being kicked out of there - around 1600 AD would seem more likely. We also have a 1624 Portugese report of population change in the trade route between Abyssinia and Mogadishu in which an Imam controled the area, then Oromos and at last Sagal Mirifle. This strengthen the idea of an ~1600 AD migration

As for Leysaang, they are theoriesd by an Italian scholar of its Hinjinle lineages being originally simple reers of a larger Qabiil together with Baay-Harqaan, who took over Sarmaang toghether with the Ashraaf against Ajuraan and their clan subjects. Judging from the lack of perennial streams and the distrubtions of numerous ancient wells amongst the clans, the early Reer Baay-Harqaan were moslty pastoral. Later Leysaang was formed in Galool as a confedracy of south-eastern Sarmaang clans, splitt into Orsi and Bari and kicked out Haraw. He also said that Reer Baay-Harqaan only expanded into Baydhowa area around a few generations before the 1920s and I guess this could be the same for Wajiid, Gedo and Berdaale. He said for Jiroon it was only 3 gen from 1920s in Baydhoowa area.

Garaad diinle

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I always theorized that hashiyah and ashta are one and the same. Ashta is hashiyah pronounced with a silent H just like horin.

Horin plural hormo also pronounced with a silent H, ormo meaning a group of people. So hash hashiyh, ash ashiyah or ashta.

