Ancient Adalite community near Addis Ababa never forgot their identity have reunited with their people in June 2024


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Marehans claim rendille in kenya as lost marehans as the name is reer diinleh but their pagans today and drink blood, I know warsangeli sultan went to Djibouti to meet and clan check some anfars claiming lost warsangeli
Drinking blood is an old Cushitic custom, especially if you only drink milk all the time, blood is full of iron and other nutrients without killing the cow.

You can't just downvote me for no reason, reply back to why you disagree, I'll make sure to bury you in facts and sources. :sass2:

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You guys might want to do DNA tests, before you end up with 100 Amhara women, sabotaging your families, and changing their allegiances. A community that cannot be destroyed by external forces, is always infiltrated and attacked from within.



It seems this group lives in an area where Gadabuursis are not present, yet they’ve retained some memory of their lost clan identity. Time has clearly brought changes; they no longer speak Somali, their appearance has slightly shifted, and there’s a chance they’ve integrated locals into their community. I’d strongly suggest DNA testing to explore their lineage further. They don’t appear to pose any threat of cultural replacement and don’t seem assimilationist like another group. I highly doubt they plan to relocate to Harawa or become one of the many wives of @Makadoor and @NidarNidar. Whether these guys can teach them how to properly clap on cue for ciyaar saylici is another matter, but they’re welcome to try.

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