Ancient Egypt funny video


Ok saxiib whatever you say.



Ancient Egyptians did not look like Horners.


Ancient Egyptians did not look like Horners.

Sculpture constructed many thousands of years later by white scientists make Egyptians white, while all of their own paintings show them as having dark skin.

Hmmm not suspicious at all.

But believe whatever you like, freedom of thought and speech my friend. I am all for that!


Notice that Ethiopians/Habeshas don't beg Egyptians either. It's mainly because they have their own ancient history and take pride in it.

There are some tribes in Kenya who claim to be Nubians. They got fake ethnogenesis stories up there similar to the fake Isaaq/Darod story, but with them it often revovles around Nubians. LOL, while this is less ridiculous than the AA claim to AE, it is still some kind of coonery.
Good to know genetic history:

E-M78 in the Western Desert.

E-V22 is a subbranche of E-M78, originated about 14.000 years ago (y-full). In 2007 Prof. Cruciani stated that the origins of E-M78 lay in the Western Desert (Egypt/Libya). This is recently confirmed by prof. Trombetta e.a. (2015) they claimed: β€œa northern African location is favoured for the node defining the M78 sub-clade (posterior probability = 0.76), supporting the previous hypothesis of Cruciani et al. (2007).”
Maybe not Habeshas, but I’ve seen an Oromo claim nubia :pachah1: Sometimes I think ethio-semites are like West Europeans who don’t delve deep in their history since it’s too vast, while Cushitic people are like eastern Slavs that argue about their past like they have an identity issue
Habesha/Axumite Civilisation:

Cushite "Civilisation":


Samaalic Era

Yes, they were indeed not black. The Fayum portraits are the only realistic life-like portraits out there of Ancient Egyptians and they depict a population who look similar to today's Egyptian Copts:


The way they depicted themselves in earlier periods was not realistic and often they used the same monotonous method to draw.
These are Greeks and Romans LMAO :dead:
Thats modern Egyptians and Im not saying Ancient Egyptians are Madow or Cushites. However they were their own Hamitic people whos look is somewhat Qausi Cushite

Bro they would be considered straight up black peoples if the ancient Egyptians were brought back to life today.

Hell even the ancient English looked like this!


The real We Wuz as it turns out, is white people!


Samaalic Era

Bro they would be considered straight up black peoples if the ancient Egyptians were brought back to life today.

Hell even the ancient English looked like this!


The real We Wuz as it turns out, is white people!

Humans back in the day were dark skinned, not negro but dark skinned. Even Adam pbuh name means dark in arabic and he was dark skinned.

The Ancient Egyptians were a dark skinned Caucasoid people :yacadiim:

