Ancient Jewish Scripture Found in Somaliland

It be good to share information on these jewish artifact to expand our understanding of the possible presence or semi permanent presence of these foreigners. The star of david or khatam suleiman was used by muslims and jews alike. It wasn't an indication of a certain group you're right on that. Do you still have these two videos?
I posted it here in 2019, IIRC, the video was deleted by the uploaders of the content. But it was filmed by locals too. Think about the amount of archeological artifacts that were sold illegally. A lot of that stuff will end up in the house of some wealthy people outside of Africa. The archeological body of the country needs at least a bare minimum of funding and needs to train more people to specialize in handling the ancient historically and culturally valuable objects. One way to do it is by sending a couple of students to learn in foreign institutions or leveraging trade-offs with foreign researchers that come and do excavations and interpretive works so they can contribute to bringing long-term worth instead of just coming to extract and monopolize the archeological research by bribing untrained locals and write their interpretation of data of which we know is highly error-prone if there aren't a diverse set of expert-based interests or grounded in the interests of Somalis having a grip of their archeological history and narrative trajectory.
T and J are minority lineages that arrived to Somalia thousands of years ago. You are falsely insinuating that Dirs and especially Gabooyes are haplogroup T or J which is not true, ask @Psychologist. Somalis have always lived in Northern Somalia.
Your claim that haplogroups J & T are the natives of the northern Somalia would mean foreigners were there before somalis. which I know you don’t even believe it yourself.
Pretty much all Dir including their lost children Garxajis are Hapogroup T they are the true middle eastern decedent's among Somalis :lolbron:
You are right, T is as somali as E-v32, there is no such thing as E-v32 invading northern Somalia.

Also qabil didn't exists at the time, so you can't say this qabil came before the other.

As for J haplogroup, mine came to Somalia about 2000 years ago, so its the latest one among T and E-V32. Also not all Gabooye are J, lot of us are E-V32

So far, it looks like most J results are found among Gabooye clans and not other major clans who claim Arab. No idea why that is.



πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
I am not certain if that book is authentic. What I can say is, genuine artifacts with the star and various Jewish-type artifacts (could be pre-Jewish, we don't need to assume European Yahuud got the license to "validate" stuff) have been found in Somaliland. I have seen two videos. One that I posted here, and another from a clip sent by a Somali on another platform. The first one got deleted for some reason. They looked very ancient.

Somalis have had contact with the people on the other side of the shore for several thousand years, and we had a high level of contact for over 2000 years in terms of trading. Furthermore, a significant portion (frequency) of our uniparental, both paternal and to a lesser extent mtDNA, came from those areas. Them bringing customs that were foreign is not out of the conversation, among others like the geel, for example.
You do know that it’s likely we were the first to domesticate Geel?

