Andrew Tate FINALLY admits to being a sex trafficker 👀


The only Somali in Arabia
I don’t like Andrew Tate either, but the guy has been Muslim for 6 months and he has not been convicted of any of them things you are accusing so why don’t you wait till they conclude. Your arguments won’t make someone who likes him go against, Wallahi just from reading your 2 post you came across as a ‘feminist’ guy. And those guys are 100 times worse than Andrew Tate.
Who really likes tate?? Personally I like nobody online these days but let's be real this man is not a problem and I'm sick of hearing his name and people pretending he's a global threat to Islam and the youth just because he has a normal amount of masculinity to say what he thinks which is really what most of these people dislike about him. He's a comedian at best, and one of thousands of human traffickers that currently exist at worst if he's properly convicted.
Two threads in a row mocking him for a laugh now amounts to obsessively wasting my time on someone I dislike?

Nah, he's been shoved down my algorithm thanks to Adeer Elon, and I just felt like posting it on SSpot, it's not that deep.
Well adeer tate is famous because people like you give him attention on social media :heh::manny:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I don’t like Andrew Tate either, but the guy has been Muslim for 6 months and he has not been convicted of any of them things you are accusing so why don’t you wait till they conclude. Your arguments won’t make someone who likes him go against, Wallahi just from reading your 2 post you came across as a ‘feminist’ guy. And those guys are 100 times worse than Andrew Tate.

I really think we need to get some stuff clear as a group.

Firstly, he is not convicted and is presumed innocent. However, he is guilty of what he had bragged about which is pimping and robbing his customers. His sins are cleaned for actions prior to being Muslim, but what bothers me is that when this guy came to fame, he was still peddling these vices and bragging about it.

So a question needs to be posed to the morality of Muslim supporters of Tate, in that they seemed to hold up the virtues of a man that enriched himself off pimping prior to him actually becoming Muslim.

Secondly, I believe feminism is a Western-focused ideal and does not care much for Muslim women. However, I will not entertain any argument that feminists are worse than a person that became a millionaire from pimping women in Eastern Europe.

This is my opinion on Tate and yes, I don’t think we should keep rehashing a person that has clearly fallen off.
I really think we need to get some stuff clear as a group.

Firstly, he is not convicted and is presumed innocent. However, he is guilty of what he had bragged about which is pimping and robbing his customers. His sins are cleaned for actions prior to being Muslim, but what bothers me is that when this guy came to fame, he was still peddling these vices and bragging about it.

So a question needs to be posed to the morality of Muslim supporters of Tate, in that they seemed to hold up the virtues of a man that enriched himself off pimping prior to him actually becoming Muslim.

Secondly, I believe feminism is a Western-focused ideal and does not care much for Muslim women. However, I will not entertain any argument that feminists are worse than a person that became a millionaire from pimping women in Eastern Europe.

This is my opinion on Tate and yes, I don’t think we should keep rehashing a person that has clearly fallen off.
You posed some good question which are.
1 who is worse Andrew Tate or the ideology feminism idk. The problem with you as you full blown Aussie raging liberal. And the only liberal worse than Aussies or probably Canadians. My 2 cent

