
Amaan Duule
I think the corpses because there are literally NO Ummayads left, they exterminated them and fought other Quraysh to maintain the throne and that's in turn what caused Quraysh to migrate and Aqeeli Jabarta kingdom
Do you have a source saying that they were tested to have e-v32


Amaan Duule

AlZubaidi is a famous man who is from a ruling tribe in Iraq, he knows the people personally or is sent the evidence of their results, he is helping us start a private DNA project for Somalis and Hashemites
Keep us updated.
The best documented banu Hashim are under J1-L859 (Rassids ruling in Yemen over 1100+years and Qatadah ruling in Hejaz for 1000+ years)


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Erm yes they do exceed 100,000, they are in the millions and own cities from Jeddah to Taaif and Makkah and are scattered across the country and have strong holds like Jazaan where many Caqiiliis live

Also many Hashemites moved to Africa because of many fitnas happening, many times in history they went to war with each other and kept on extemrinating each other, and it was recorded in the books of 3 major Islamic historians a huge Qurayshi presence in the horn where they colonized the Jabarta city and from Massawa to Berbera

They live all over North Africa and other parts of Asia too, they migrated as Sheikhs, governors and migrants

And no it's not far fetched they are above 5 million, Darood according to YFULL is 900 years old only and we are 20 million 😂

The Quraysh themselves admit they got massacred and scattered and forced to move in mass to Africa it's in their oral history :dead:

Also you must understand Darood fully adopted the Somali culture and at the time were pure Arabs so we became expansionist nomads conquering others and became the largest Somali tribe

Hawiye is also a migratory Arab tribe who arrived in the year 1000 this matches YFULL and is recorded
Let me get this straight. You think Darood descend from Quraysh, Quraysh were pure Cushities who descend from the Akkadians, who were Cushities. And Hawiye, an Arab Cushitic tribe moved to Somalia in 1000s...

Sounds like some Havilah bin Qahtah theory for Hawiye I've heard propagated by a Tiktoker lol
Our ancestors were replaced and mixed to near extinction and here the purest real descendants are hating on Arabs denying their origins further empowering, it's sad wallahi
You are talking to reer samaale here they think all our origins are the same proud Arab


Cushite Arab
This new E-v32 Egyptian, was it just 23&me or did he do a deep Y test?
It was probably 23andme we know Asharafs are E-Y18629 but the results are hidden, theres hundreds of V32 samples, but Saudis keep scaring them saying they are related to Kenyans and offering them to change their results
If you do a twitter search on this topic you'll see how they hide results of E-V32


Cushite Arab
Let me get this straight. You think Darood descend from Quraysh, Quraysh were pure Cushities who descend from the Akkadians, who were Cushities. And Hawiye, an Arab Cushitic tribe moved to Somalia in 1000s...

Sounds like some Havilah bin Qahtah theory for Hawiye I've heard propagated by a Tiktoker lol
Hawiye can't be Qahtanis since they fall under the E-Y18629 haplogroup and I explained the taariikh of the Arab Cushites on my past threads in this section, it shouldn't be that confusing

The Sumerians controlled Mesopatania
The Cushitic Qahtanis controlled the south

The Cushites from Egypt and Sudan moved into the fertile crescent in 3000bc part of the E-V32 race, colonized it and took over, this is where Ibrahim AS was from, and this in turn is why the DNA companies state E-V32's origin is in Makkah

Not J1
Not E-M84
Not E-V13
Not J2
Not R1A
Not E-M81

But E-V32

Also all Arab tribes match under E-Y18629 so it can't be Samaale, denying this is pure delusion and cope


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Hawiye can't be Qahtanis since they fall under the E-Y18629 haplogroup and I explained the taariikh of the Arab Cushites on my past threads in this section, it shouldn't be that confusing

The Sumerians controlled Mesopatania
The Cushitic Qahtanis controlled the south

The Cushites from Egypt and Sudan moved into the fertile crescent in 3000bc part of the E-V32 race, colonized it and took over, this is where Ibrahim AS was from, and this in turn is why the DNA companies state E-V32's origin is in Makkah

Not J1
Not E-M84
Not E-V13
Not J2
Not R1A
Not E-M81

But E-V32

Also all Arab tribes match under E-Y18629 so it can't be Samaale, denying this is pure delusion and cope

So what about the original theory, the proto-Nilotic maternal ancestors that mixed with Natufians? The migration of Cushities into Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, then mixed with HG that already existed in these regions? How do you explain our relations with other Cushitic groups, Oromos, Afar, Beja, etc.


Cushite Arab
So what about the original theory, the proto-Nilotic maternal ancestors that mixed with Natufians? The migration of Cushities into Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, then mixed with HG that already existed in these regions? How do you explain our relations with other Cushitic groups, Oromos, Afar, Beja, etc.
Because Arabs are Cushites, Oromos are also ancient Arabs who migrated with us, Afars aren't even related with us both autosomally and they come in a variety of haplogroups, none of which are E-V32, the same for Oromos who are also autosomally closer to Habesha and Arabs are Cushites anyway so it's default

When our Arab ancestors came to the horn they mixed with the people who were already close to them by blood and culturally, I have shown many evidences, they had rwandan livestock in Hejaz, the same exact Somali hair styles, go and marro which is unique to east Africa and they all had thick curly hair


Cushite Arab
To the fool speaking about the Rassids and L859 haplogroup this was exposed to be a Shia Iranian project as they think they are only the real Quraysh so they altered results and claimed to be from Arab countries, just like you can change info on wikipedia you can do the same on YFULL

The Ummayads whom were from the early days of the Islamic empire never absorbed anyone and were the purest Qurayshis, the majority got massacred and 1 surviving descendant migrated to Spain forming the emirate of Caradobba and he was E-V32

Post Abbasid times, hundreds of thousands of people from Persia and central Asia arrived and joined Quraysh, the literal commander who conquered from Khurasaan to Kufa was a Persian general by the name of Abu Muslim, these people gained high positions in society and dominated it, research about families like the Barmakids

According to Ibn Khaldun, a 14th century Islamic historian, by the time he had reached Makkah the Quraysh had been filled with Persians and Abysinian

The prophet SAW himself predicted the replacement of the Arabs in the hadith and I've sent it countless times

The people shared their lineages with the Arabs and replaced them

@Step a side @Reformed J @Garaad Awal @attash

So to all deniers deal with the Ummayad remains, the purest Arab tribe

:duck: And J1 results in Al Andalus existed pre Islam

All Arab tribes who migrated to east Africa before Islam were E-V32 :dead: the proves J1 came in later dominated and expanded
I think the corpses because there are literally NO Ummayads left, they exterminated them and fought other Quraysh to maintain the throne and that's in turn what caused Quraysh to migrate and Aqeeli Jabarta kingdom
There's two tribes in Somalia that claim descent from Banu Umayyah, they're Al-Amawi in Barawa and Abajibil in Awdheegle district, there's also Amawis accross swahili coast also.


Cushite Arab
There's two tribes in Somalia that claim descent from Banu Umayyah, they're Al-Amawi in Barawa and Abajibil in Awdheegle district, there's also Amawis accross swahili coast also.
LOL There are no Ummayads in Arabia how can they exist in Somalia :drakelaugh: ds are such liars you can't even find them online on any social medias yet they exist in Somalia