Lol didn’t he turn out to be a nazi. He looks like he stinks and that jaw is hideous.
She made his life a living nightmare. I mean look at her face, that says all. But at least she cashed on her pretty kids
Lol didn’t he turn out to be a nazi. He looks like he stinks and that jaw is hideous.
You must be small. Only small feminine men like masculine women. Right @Basra
That is not a Somali.
She made his life a living nightmare. I mean look at her face, that says all. But at least she cashed on her pretty kids
Low self-esteem growing up, they were never loved by their parents.
Low self-esteem growing up, they were never loved by their parents.
What a toxic person. Actually it's very Somali what you said. We are cursed with people like you. Live her skintone alone and focus on the story.
But do we raise our girls to be strong and have some selfrespect? She clearly was not raised to love herself to end up like this
Somalis are toxic period. Even if parents raise their kids right, teaching them self love etc there are always people making comments on their skintone/hair or something else. Somalis are self haters themselves and like light skinned women who look Arab. In this forum every time a xalimo does something they are quick to mention her dark skin tone as if it was something negative.
Somalis are not selfhaters. Every group of black men prefer lightskin over darkskin. In fact somalis are the least extreme blk people.
Yes because they are self haters and not comfortable with their own skin.
Somalis don't want to be called Arab but deep down want to look Arab. It's a fact.
Anyways back to the story. I don't want to derail the thread.
Her friends cut her off for marrying a non Somali?
Uk Somali girls could never
She is lying there. Its the way she went about it
They probably met him
Also she only has somali friends?