Another sad xalimo marries out. No selfworth


She claims somalis are racist and im gonna give her slack? She is on the internet saying her family was racist for not saying straight away marry a man none of us has met and said to her he is too busy to meet her family. She went to different state for some fake imam give her away? She is pathetic and should be called out. If saying the truth is judgemental then so be it. Anyway she is another chick trying to launch a Youtube career with this nonsense

People make mistakes. I’m sure you’ve made countless of mistakes but you still wouldn’t want people to hold you accountable for the mistakes you did or base your character off of it either. Ponder on that.
There’s no way I’m same ethnic group as her She gotta be Bantu. If a stranger saw her and I they would think were a different ethnicity.
I watched the video.

Weird that she would marry a man that she hadn't even seen.

Her father was reasonable, asking questions like you haven't met him how do you know this will work.

She said it herself, that she was blinded by jacayl.

Waa cudur jacaylka.

The most deadly disease there is.
People make mistakes. I’m sure you’ve made countless of mistakes but you still wouldn’t want people to hold you accountable for the mistakes you did or base your character off of it either. Ponder on that.

I would if i decided to share with the world. How else would we all know? She had a haram fake marriage and a whole baby
It just had to be a dark skin xalimo, :bell:very unfortunate story nonetheless.


She’s cute, or do you prefer the ahlu Diana, or the ahlu make up with 3 shades lighter? Some of these girls look lighter than Nordic girls and even albinos. Whatever floats their boats.

Off course she is dark and beautiful like reer Mugdi, pardon me, I mean reer Mudug chicks. If she was from Hamar, Bosaaso, Hargeisa or Kismayo, @Jaydaan wouldn’t have posted this thread. He’s shaming this reer Mudug girl to warn his cousins and nieces. We became a society obsessed with the cambar of Somali girls like “god” has made us the guardians of their vj. We became mini Saudis.


Run and I’ll catch you and eat you alive
It’s low self esteem, if you’re going to marry out marry the best man
I’ve seen it with a lot of Somali girls, they run after the first person that tells me the words I love you
Dads and mums alike need to reassure their daughters from a young age


Run and I’ll catch you and eat you alive
I don’t get why everyone complains about darkskin, Somalia is a hot country, most of us are meant to be either dark or medium, not many of us are light skinned :gucciwhat:I would do anything to exchange my skin for a darker skin

She’s cute, or do you prefer the ahlu Diana, or the ahlu make up with 3 shades lighter? Some of these girls look lighter than Nordic girls and even albinos. Whatever floats their boats.

Off course she is dark and beautiful like reer Mugdi, pardon me, I mean reer Mudug chicks. If she was from Hamar, Bosaaso, Hargeisa or Kismayo, @Jaydaan wouldn’t have posted this thread. He’s shaming this reer Mudug girl to warn his cousins and nieces. We became a society obsessed with the cambar of Somali girls like “god” has made us the guardians of their vj. We became mini Saudis.

Warya dayuus bad tahay. If a woman married an actual dog you would say ooh cute couple. A man with no limits. Im calling out this Madow qumayo for sh1tting on somali parents on Youtube and spreading bad words about patents. You think any sane parent would agree to give his daughter to a man she never met, knows nothing about outside what he told her on facebook and tell her Im too busy to even meet your parents once? Wallahi the sun in Australia has melted your brain nacas yahow


Run and I’ll catch you and eat you alive
Warya dayuus bad tahay. If a woman married an actual dog you would say ooh cute couple. A man with no limits. Im calling out this Madow qumayo for sh1tting on somali parents on Youtube and spreading bad words about patents. You think any sane parent would agree to give his daughter to a man she never met, knows nothing about outside what he told her on facebook and tell her Im too busy to even meet your parents once? Wallahi the sun in Australia has melted your brain nacas yahow
Don’t you kind of feel bad for her, she wasted her life on that AA, gave birth to his child, only to be thrown out:jcoleno:we should make dua that it doesn’t happen to our daughters or family members

Parents should raise their kids properly and teach them to be responsible for their actions and when their children become adults, they should support the decisions their children make about their future. Since most Somali on Somali weddings are sanctioned by Somali parents, how are the divorce rates among the Somalis? It’s absurdly too high. Most of the divorce Somali men have abandoned their children due to the toxic conditions during the divorce process. Are their parents better decision makers who married their daughters these men? Your narrative on this thread is very clear because your intention was to insult AA and other black Africans marrying Somali women. This lady joins the hundreds of thousands of other Somali single mothers.
Don’t you kind of feel bad for her, she wasted her life on that AA, gave birth to his child, only to be thrown out:jcoleno:we should make dua that it doesn’t happen to our daughters or family members

I do feel sorry for her. Because he is a single mum to an AA kid and her community nor AA will accept her. She should be a cautionary story. I also got sad that someone can be so naive at 21 and ruin their life like this

Parents should raise their kids properly and teach them to be responsible for their actions and when their children become adults, they should support the decisions their children make about their future. Since most Somali on Somali weddings are sanctioned by Somali parents, how are the divorce rates among the Somalis? It’s absurdly too high. Most of the divorce Somali men have abandoned their children due to the toxic conditions during the divorce process. Are their parents better decision makers who married their daughters these men? Your narrative on this thread is very clear because your intention was to insult AA and other black Africans marrying Somali women. This lady joins the hundreds of thousands of other Somali single mothers.

A somali kid from 2 somali parents even when divorced has 2 somali families. Grandparents, aunties and uncles. You think AA are some open minded people and she wont experience sh1t from them having half AA kid? Dont compare her to normal divorced somali woman and comeback when a somali man marties a girl he refuse to even meet her family and take her to some sheikh next state like some trash he found in the streets. You defend every trashy behavior as long as non somali is involved

Let’s focus to fix our family dysfunctions before we point fingers at others. Somali men have failed Somali families in a multitude of ways, let’s focus on fixing that. You remind me of these idiots online who diss every country and societies when ours is at the bottom of the heap. It is like a junkie admonishing an alcoholic. Continue with your exhilarating and patriotic thread.

Let’s focus to fix our family dysfunctions before we point fingers at others. Somali men have failed Somali families in a multitude of ways, let’s focus on fixing that. You remind me of these idiots online who diss every country and societies when ours is at the bottom of the heap. It is like a junkie admonishing an alcoholic. Continue with your exhilarating and patriotic thread.
And you are a selfhater who even tell foreigners you are ftom somewhere else. I may be too pro somalis. But atleast i dont hate my people and kiss other peoples ass. So you really not in a position to take the high road here