Another special delivery

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Your superior
True but the South do got most the instability. I understand the rational of Puntland and they are our best hope of reducing the influence of Al-shabbab and a succesful framework to work from.:damedamn:

Right now, they are the only ones keeping SL in check :kodaksmiley:

Keeping Somaliland in check how


No offence to you guys whatsoever, but to argue for a wall is to argue for your own utter destruction.

Much of the money P/land makes is through trade, which is mostly one-way, the goods arriving from Bosaaso port (taxed heavily) going towards Koonfur.

And much of the food produce coming from Koonfur towards you. If any such fictional walls were actually erected, not only will your state collapse financially since the income generated from the port is your number 1, but also your greatest/cheapest import of food from lush Koonfur.

Bankruptcy + starvation will quickly follow and only you will be affected by this no one else, Koonfur will hardly feel even a slight pinch of this, but you guys are likely too stupid to be cognisant of this, all that Europhile education and yet arguing for your own utter destruction

Last time I checked it's Koonfur that's starving to death in the form of a devastating famine and drought, not Puntland.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The fact that Hiiran uses Bosaso port instead of the Mogadishu port, which is closer to them in every aspect of proximity whether it's distance or lineage, shows you who needs who. We see the south as clients that use our services not as our suppliers.
Last time I checked it's Koonfur that's starving to death in the form of a devastating famine and drought, not Puntland.
I thought you were talking about post deliveries. Oh well, I'm here I might aswell post something about post deliveries. I couldn't hear the postman the other day because my music was so loud. So they left the package with my neighbours and left me the slip to let me know what door number. So I knocked their door to get my package. I discovered I have cool neighbour actually. Now I wana get to know all my neighbours. Like bake em small fruit tarts and just introduce myself. Get them all together. Maybe have summer street party waaheeey :2tjlv3e:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This time from beledweyn

Jimco, Maarso, 03, 2017(HOL) – Taliska ciidamada ammaanka ah ee maamulka Puntland ayaa waxa ay war ka soo saareen gaari walxaha qarxa siday oo dhawaan lagu qabtay duleedka magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Gaarigan siday walxaha qarxa ayaa nuuciisa waxa uu ahaa nuuca Soomaalida ay u taqaano Candha-meedlaha, isagoo isaga kala gooshi jiray magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Beledweyne, sida ay sheegeen saraakiisha ammaanka.

Taliska ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen baaris kadib in la ogaaday in gaarigaasi waday walxaha qarxa la doonayay in lagu qarxiyo shacabka Puntland.

Ugu danbeyntii, waa markii ugu horeysay dulleedka magaalada Gaalkacyo lagu qabto gaari kuwa xamuulka qaado ah oo lagu soo raray walxaha qarxa.

C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online





The terrorist driver


We need a wall asap
When the going gets tough the tough get going :denzelnigga:
That's a natural disaster you idiot :what:

Cuqdad has really clouded your judgement it's astounding.
I'm showing him the fact that the drought hits most of Somalia. I'm not using it in an arguement or to attack him. Why would I? The famine affects both sides of my family and I have donated to both.

You're misinterpreting my aim with the post.
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