Omo Valley Bushman, you are not Somali.
70 % of Nubians have an Arab haplogroup whilst Sudanese Arabs peak at nearly 90 %! And these are recent (less than 1000 years ago)Evidence?
What do you think about Geri Koombe Darod?
What is your view about them?
View attachment 33769
70 % of Nubians have Arab haplogroups whilst Sudanese Arabs peak at nearly 90 %! And these are recent (less than 1000 years ago)
View attachment 33770
Completely different for Horners (the blue for Somalis are T which is over 6000 years old).
We are pure Somali, unlike you. Third class Ethiopian slave.
What is your qabiil?
Go on tell me![]()
What does my clan even matter? All Somalis except for Far West Ethioslaves and Kenyan Somalis differ from the rest. Other Somalis are identical.
Did you know that most of the Darod samples in DNA on gedmatch matched relatively close relations with Ethiopian Oromos, even Borana?
Your not as pure as you would like to think. You probably have a recent Oromo ancestor.
Nothing wrong with Oromos btw. They are a great nation
Who cares? I admit that Ethiopian Darods are Oromo admixed, so are those in Kenya. I am not from there..
Interesting admission.
So what is your beef with Somalis who are admixed with Oromos? And what is your obsession with racial purity?
I stated: “Nubians = rape babies with Arab fathers and African mothers who have adopted Arab culture and language.”According to your argument, Dirs are a different race than other Somalis, same would be for the Warsangeli J?
Are you sure you want to use Haplogroups as your primary evidence?
Call @Amun to help you real quick
I stated: “Nubians = rape babies with Arab fathers and African mothers who have adopted Arab culture and language.”
My proof for this statement is that:
1) They have recent Arab admixture dating back less than 1000 years ago.
2) Their haplogroups (father to son lineage) are majority Arab (70-90 %).
As for your claim that Dir are a different race/ethnicity since they have a different haplogroup, it is perfectly normal for ethnicities to have multiple ethnicities. E1b1b is very old dating back 9000 years whilst T dates back 6000-7000 years ago. Even Proto-Somali doesn’t date back more than 3000 years.
Furthermore, haplogroup doesn’t even prove race. Autosomal DNA does, and Dir are completely identical to other Somalis in that regard. As for the Warsengeli, there is no proof that they are J unlike the Dir who have proven T.
You have the impression that I'm a tribalist, while I'm NOT. I'm an ethno-nationalist and consider Oromos to be a racial OUTGROUP to Somalis.
You hate Nubians and are very adamant on excluding them from the Cushitic family based on linguistic affiliations alone.
Only the Beja have a big chunk of the light purple Cushitic cluster.
Other North Sudanese do not.
I don't hate them, they simply aren't Cushitic.
Depends on which study your referrring to.
Look at K-2 to K-5
“T1 is the most common descendant of the T-M184 haplogroup, being the lineage of more than 95% of all T-M184 members in America, Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe. T1 lineages are found at high frequencies among northern Somali clans and at least, T1* could have spread with the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B culture (PPNB).That is yet to be confirmed. Unless you have information that we haven't read yet. So far that is pure speculation.
I stated: “Nubians = rape babies with Arab fathers and African mothers who have adopted Arab culture and language.”
My proof for this statement is that:
1) They have recent Arab admixture dating back less than 1000 years ago.
2) Their haplogroups (father to son lineage) are majority Arab (70-90 %).
As for your claim that Dir are a different race/ethnicity since they have a different haplogroup, it is perfectly normal for ethnicities to have multiple haplogroups. The fact that Somalis only have two shows that we’re very homogenous. E1b1b is very old dating back 9000 years whilst T dates back 6000-7000 years ago. Even Proto-Somali doesn’t date back more than 3000 years.
Furthermore, haplogroup doesn’t even prove race. Autosomal DNA does, and Dir are completely identical to other Somalis in that regard. As for the Warsengeli, there is no proof that they are J unlike the Dir who have proven T.
“T1 is the most common descendant of the T-M184 haplogroup, being the lineage of more than 95% of all T-M184 members in America, Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe. T1 lineages are found at high frequencies among northern Somali clans and at least, T1* could have spread with the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B culture (PPNB).
The pre-pottery Neolithic b culture was around 8000 years ago.