ans- Pretend superiority complex to cover up deep rooted inferiority

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how do i use this
I'm with you 100%, We are a foolish nation, We feel superior based on our good hair and European facial features. However, all these things are not things we worked for, we were simply born with them. Somalia is a shit hole at the moment and most likely will stay like that the upcoming 20 years or so. Our seas our being polluted and every time there is drought the entire population needs to be helped out by foreign countries. All this pride in QABIL is truly the greatest joke ever created. Wallahi Somalis even here in the Netherlands would be like 'I am not marrying this or that qaabil' GTFO! Even though I love my brethren, we should wise up as a nation and be proud only of achievements not on how light skinned you are or on how shiny your hair is or on how you are the offspring of some habar this or that somewhere. We laugh at these bantus because their forefathers were slaves. But the jokes on us, since our mind has been enslaved on false pride and disunity.
We need to build up Somalia. We need a strict government that will put the nation before its own pockets. And we need to unite like the turks. Whenever I see how these people love each other I honestly get a bit jealous. Seeing turkan and tarkan getting along while Abdi is talking shit behind Faraxs back because he has another qabil. It hurts wallaahi. We need to get rid of qabil and false pride first and we need to sanction all these thieving cadaan boats coming to our seas and stealing our fish and having the audacity to fight our pirates. jaab wayee after being the biggest pirates they have the audacity to kill our faraxs on little boats nacalaa. war nagaa taga. I don't hate somalia or somalis I love my people, I however hate our animosity towards each other and the xaasidnimo. I remember my somali senior telling me to not do my masters, and running off to get a master degree herself. And my father helping out this abdi with his car for days and this abdi rewarded him by talking shit about my brother being aggressive because he is habar gidir. Seriously man


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Straw we look at the bigger pic.

These dhoocilo and ciyaals look at small things such as curly hair and skin colour or my forefather was arab. That is their whole reasoning behind their false superiority against bantus. Ceebey tacaal.

What we see in Somalia is how we will be judged.
A nation that cannot even unite towards peace and progress should never talk about Bantu countries.
Our war heroes from 77 rot in shitty rooms without respect and good care.

Even around the world people threate each other with Somalia. Assad, Abdallah Salah and Gaddafi did lmfao

Aslong we dont fix our country there is nothing to be proud of.

People who lived in the Kacaan and died before civilwar are lucky mofos.
You shouldn't attack me personally, attack my argument. Nothing I said is a lie. I will not take false pride in being from the lowest ranking country in this world. You're lying to yourselves. No one in your position has any right to pretend like they're looking down on anyone.
I agree that Somalis shouldn't be looking down on other nations and ethnicities but let's not generalise. There are a lot of hard working Somalis, who've made their own businesses. Also please stop the "an" nonsense. It's even more cringier than people referring to themselves as "malis" :tacky:
I agree that Somalis shouldn't be looking down on other nations and ethnicities but let's not generalise. There are a lot of hard working Somalis, who've made their own businesses. Also please stop the "an" nonsense. It's even more cringier than people referring to themselves as "malis" :tacky:
I don't refer to myself as "an", I am a Canadian. Not a an.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Go kill yourself PrincessWhore, Somalia is making progress everyday and the govt is getting stronger everyday.

You wouldn't know that whoring yourself on the streets of Yonge and Richmond.

Somalia doesn't need your atheist ass. Claim another ethnicity:gunsmiley::gunsmiley:
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