Answer to Mogadishu and Hargasisas Unemployment problem


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Garments and Fabric industries, it’s a low cost it might not pay much but it’s something for those who are willing to work

Some areas with low population density might not need it but these four cities are in a dire situation

According to this data, I’ve seen here recently the population is large and one this large could easily become restless and rough

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سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Ofc with the garment industry there’s the middle income trap that many countries don’t grow out from like Bangladesh etc planning can alleviate that


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
It’s not glamours or appealing but it’s one of the starting points for high population low / early industry nations. NYC main industry was once a textile

Japan China Vietnam all started with textile manufacturing

eventually we can grow to steel production and more skilled manufacturing according to our tenacity
The problem with the garments industry that fueled growth for many of these Asian countries is that in order to be competitive salaries will have to be incredibly low, like $100 to $150 a month low. We also don't have the infrastructure and trade deals in place so even if we starting the ground work today it will still take years for our exports to be competitive.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
The problem with the garments industry that fueled growth for many of these Asian countries is that in order to be competitive salaries will have to be incredibly low, like $100 to $150 a month low. We also don't have the infrastructure and trade deals in place so even if we starting the ground work today it will still take years for our exports to be competitive.
I was in Somalia recently and 100-150 isn’t infeasible since the cost of living is mostly food and not Much travel and low energy cost , a soldier make 100-200 and many are content but that’s a passive light job this is more labor intensive Somalis are less likely to work such a laborious job, Oromos in the north and minorities in the south might take those jobs

It’s not a premiere job but something to create stability
No, we must have a different approach. Somalia does not need to be a manufacturing hub, rather it can skip that phase and focus been a global trade hub.

We have all of East Africa and Africa to serve, our ports can serve most of Africa.

Secondly, we must concentrate on exports, be it fish, livestock, agriproducts, or oil/minerals.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Also if we target high margin clothing it could be more profitable, bring in Turkish and Syrian skilled workers to help us , it could be profitable they are the experts


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
No, we must have a different approach. Somalia does not need to be a manufacturing hub, rather it can skip that phase and focus been a global trade hub.

We have all of East Africa and Africa to serve, our ports can serve most of Africa.

Secondly, we must concentrate on exports, be it fish, livestock, agriproducts, or oil/minerals.
Bro those cities are so dense , the trickle down of the productivity of trade is beneficial to low density population, same with livestock and agricultural products


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Also my older posts about Somalis not perusing industry was in the context of low density regions like Mudug Bari Nugaal


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
In general a place as underdeveloped as Sub Sahara Africa could subside and do we’ll off Raw Material exports like Brazil but our population is double as dense

Has the time when it could coast off raw material exports pass and now it must both industrialize and export raw materials both agricultural and mining

Focus on perfecting the agriculture fruits and vegetables. It takes skills to grow fresh quality food.

Remember guys everything we see comes from the ground.

Metal, cotton, food, gold, water you name it loool.

Focus on the environment and stop importing shit stuff. But hey people gotta eat man what can I do


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
I don’t want to be the harbinger of bad news but the looming future looks genuinely distressing and sorrowful , I don’t see or hear any discussion about how to make use or support the urban population without foreign debt and wheat

A country with highly urbanized population without industry that’s in a similar predicament is Yemen, they also have oil and port but it isn’t sufficient

May Allah bring ease and protect us from manipulation and exploitation by outside forces


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
On a lighter note, there is hope and the population isn’t that high and we have a young witty youths. A industry that would be fruitful is machine tool manufacturing, it’s pretty decentralized business that you can work in groups of 5-20 people, each kid would need just a 1000 used machine tool most can have small shop and get custom orders for small metal parts, training 200k young men can produce hundreds of millions if targeting high volume high demand custom parts of cars and even eventually if they buy better tools tgat industry could bring billions into Mogadishu from contracts like aerospace mining turbine


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Older pensioners are really passionate of their trade and many would teach without asking for exhoribent fees, we should make large Somali training seminars translates in Somali, most of these machinist are from Japan and Germany


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
boon of this is

1. If you have you’re own machine you’re independent

2. there are always contracts available, this is a high demand skill in the world market

3. there’s not much complex scientific knowledge needed for those who only speak Somali, it’s almost entirely precision measurement, metrology


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine

This company has a completely free online intensive curriculum of video lessons on their website, this translated in to Somali can liberate so many lives


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
The locals are incredibly lazy and demand khat and money upfront and then don't work. Some even expect you to put them on payroll for being a clan relative while not even being there. I know a guy who lost his life savings starting a factory due to the lazy locals who fleeced him. He looks dead inside. I couldn't believe what he told me. The diaspora are naive about business prospects in Somalia. There is a reason why diaspora only open hotels and a cafe there and then run it themselves or with immediate family. There's also a reason why business people are importing ajnabis to work in their businesses, alongside the traditional workers the Somali Bantus.

The solution to the unemployment problem there is to stop being lazy, stop being addicted to khat, and be honest workers.

