Anti-Black Racism in Tunisia

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Illuminated Xalimo

You will think that this is Croatia or Russia. No, this is Muslim Tunisia. Schools are segregated. Blacks called slaves, and dirty on the street. They have to take separate buses from light-skinned Tunisians. They are only employed as waiters (because blacks are servants). This is the state of the country "post-democratic revolution." You can only imagine what is happening in the other Arab countries that nobody is reporting.

This happens nearly everywhere. Blacks/Africans just don’t get it wallahi. No one (For whatever) likes them and nearly everyone despises them. Instead of understanding this, working together to build better countries so they don’t become second class citizens elsewhere, they can’t get along, abuse and mistreat eaxhother, flock to foreign lands and cry and complain when mistreated by foreigners


Your superior
Like you waraabe

I am not a racist, I love diversity around the world. I am against the destruction of the somali ethnicity (which means less diversity). That is why I support authentic somali culture but also advocate for somali bantu who share nation With somali and the cadcad.
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These black tunisians are tunisians who have been living there for many generations. This is an insult to black countries. The black countries who have a tie to them should cut their ties. Why having a relation with a country that considers people with brown skin colour inferior. I know most of them dont give shit though
It would be news if the Arabs weren't mistreating blacks in those countries.

Not surprised at all!!! blacks need to develop their countries to earn respect from everyone. Or not go to other people's countries and do low wage work.

Get rich and earn respect <
That is why I laugh when non arabs cry about Palestine and Syria. Non the less, somali are also very racist.

Everyone is racist to a certain extent. I don't get the point of these type of videos. They follow people who are a extreme minority in countries that have had generally the same culture and people for thousands of years, and then get shocked when they realize how racist everyone is. I can drop a indhoyar in Kismaayo and everyone will be roasting his ass. This is lazy journalism. I wanna see a Mexican in Zimbabwe suffering from racism, or a indhoyar in Brazil. We all know how racist humans can be, at least show us interesting cases of racism.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
It would be news if the Arabs weren't mistreating blacks in those countries.

Not surprised at all!!! blacks need to develop their countries to earn respect from everyone. Or not go to other people's countries and do low wage work.

Get rich and earn respect <
this is that right wing cadaan "pull urself from ur bootstraps" rhetoric. u don't need to be from a rich country to be treated like a human being. yacni we need to earn the right to not live in apartheid bey sheekadu maraysa miyaa
Blacks are annoying they cry racism all the time No one owes you anything. your weakness and stupidity put you all in this situation. Respect is earned not given and blacks have no respect to begin with
Blacks are annoying they cry racism all the time No one owes you anything. your weakness and stupidity put you all in this situation. Respect is earned not given and blacks have no respect to begin with

True. We need to stop wailing and beating our chests when the Arab man is in trouble


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some members here are obsessed with arabs, come on. who cares what they do in their country.
its simple dont go to their country.
Stop complaining and get on Arabs level simple!!! No one is gonna give you respect !!!

If Somalis went to South Africa and brushed people's shoes or cleaned toilets you would've witnessed how racist Bantus got just like the Arabs.

But I'm proud of maryooleys for balling on other peoples land. Saved us the embarrassment and the #MaryoleyLivesMatter.

You guys need to Stop talking about Arabs as if they are the shit. Wlhi if you guys knew how much they used to suck up to us Somalis in high school. They looked down on Bantu and called them the usual but we looked down on them :lol:
I honestly believe the reason theres so much unrest/wars in arab countries is because of the injustice they inflict upon the less fortunate people living on their soil. Allah is punishing them. I remember watching a documentary on qadafis maid and how his sons wife would burn her and they didn't even give her any pay for the work she did for them. Look what happened to Libia.
I honestly believe the reason theres so much unrest/wars in arab countries is because of the injustice they inflict upon the less fortunate people living on their soil. Allah is punishing them. I remember watching a documentary on qadafis maid and how his sons wife would burn her and they didn't even give her any pay for the work she did for them. Look what happened to Libia.

The problem is these Arab countries try to be like western civilizations by copying their law, but their own religion banned this type of racism 1400 years ago. For example, Bilal
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