Khalid Hussein
بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Yeah as if Islam is emo religion, did you know in Christianity if a girl gets raped she has to get married to the rapist open duetoronomy you will find it, in islam we have to kill the rapist of he is a muslim or if he is not muslim we have to to take him to his people wither Christian or jew and tell his people to apply the of his religion on him.Yeah poignantly having burka clad ladies to symbolise Islam !!! How very progressive... makes any liberal woman run away then curiously read about it, even Christianity preaches about love and forgiveness of sin but Islam has a tendency of constantly talking about death, and how this life is useless etc... it's very emo compared to Christianity.
But if this guy's is killing and rapinget everyone he is a facade on this earth have to kill him in any means