Anti-Somali KDF kicked out of most of Kismaayo

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How is Kenya a friend to you if they want to steal millions and millions barrels of oil they don’t want to Jubbaland to have it are you aware of that? Secondly Kenya is building a border fence to keep out Al Shabab it started in Beled Xaawo do you think it will stop there, of course not it will go all the way to Raas Kaamboni how do you feel about that? How is Kenya a friend to Jubbaland or Somalis

These are your friends?:gucciwhat::bell::jaynerd:

we have no friends, we have permanent interest, and today kenya is a tool i can use, Somalis used foreigners on me, so i watched and so ok, i too can get foreigners to kill booonis for me,

the bantu cannot even control china taking mombasa, what makes you thing they can take ras kamboni?

take your fake nationalism and shove it saxib, there is no somalia, each man is fending for himself, and your uncle screwed the nation up so i will not take nationlisitc lessons from the people who created this siutation we are in, and looted and raped the nation

the fufu is a canon fudder as idont want my sons-cagheeer boys dying so i have ffus who will die,

and the oil, like is aid, no one will take it or benefit from it, this oil will isnha Allah be used to free Oagdeniya , it will bebnused to build tanks and planes and crush the habashi dogs,

my anceastors did not shed blood taking lands for me so i can have a bantu semi hawiye or a boooon or a bantu taking my wealth,

if you are rag come and get it,

enough talks, lets settle our differences in the battle field,

somalia is dead, yall marehans killed it and it just needs to be buried , ten i shall have my Jubaland kingdom back like before 1960s,

i frankly could not careless for yuor crocodile fake nationalism tears, what has somalia ever done for anyone since 1991 ?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
kenya will not take an inche of our oil, nor will xamar

the oil is in Ogadne lands, ras kamboni, badade to be exact

and dont forget it was sold by that fat adoon majerteen m1dgaan umar buur, the adoon abgal langab semi bantu red lips sheikh sharif and the habar gidir gaajo dude back about 10 years ago

not an inche will be taken out, nor can your uncle or fufu bantu

the bantu is usefull for killing marehans on our behalf, and the failmarjo can day dream all he wants \

i have been fighting in jubaland since 1780s, fought the british and kicked them out to the point they gave italy the land,

insha Allah we will drill our own oil, the west is awash with oil, shale is america has made the US less reliant on imports, in fact they export it now,

maybe in 10 years time oil prices will go back to where they were, there is no scramble now for oil, regadless, its ours, in Ogaden lands and the rest can go to hell,

i promise yuo no m1dgan from xamar or ****istan or bantu lands will touch my oil, come and get it if you are man,

You fought the British only to bring their fufu lackeys back, caqli caaqdheer wakaa :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:
You fought the British only to bring their fufu lackeys back, caqli caaqdheer wakaa :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:

caqli b000n, you used Ethiopians, huraale yuor uncle used Ethiopians many times against us in kismayo

so dont throw rocks when yuo live in a glass house naya

the bantus waa canon fodder,

last time i checked, your people in galgaduud are proctetd by ...... habashi, sunnah waljamacam marehans, in gedo by habashi and your uncle cannot go to the toilet with out his fufu boyfriends making sure

who do you think protects you gedo uncles and your failmarjo uncle?

caqli B000N :russ:
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tekniko some how thinks marehan is the land of milk and honey and forein free, when in gedo, galgaduud and his uncle in xamar all have forein boyfriends


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
caqli b000n, you used ethippians, huraale yuor uncle used ethiopians many times against us in kismayo

so dont throw rocks when yuo live in a glass house naya

the bantus waa canon fodder,

last time i checked, your people in galgaduud are proctetd by ...... habashi, sunnah waljamacam amrehans, in gedo by habashi and yuor uncle cannot go to the toilt with out his fufu boyfriends making sure

who do yuo think protects you gedo uncles and your failmarjo uncle?

caqli B000N :russ:
You know thats a lie Hiiraale came only with Marehan muscle, he kept you away for 10 years without a single Habeshi


Seeker of knowledge and truth
caqli b000n, you used ethippians, huraale yuor uncle used ethiopians many times against us in kismayo

so dont throw rocks when yuo live in a glass house naya

the bantus waa canon fodder,

last time i checked, your people in galgaduud are proctetd by ...... habashi, sunnah waljamacam amrehans, in gedo by habashi and yuor uncle cannot go to the toilt with out his fufu boyfriends making sure

who do yuo think protects you gedo uncles and your failmarjo uncle?

caqli B000N :russ:
Stop being triggered Kenya wants that oil hell or high water forget Somali nationalism for a second THEY WANT YOUR OIL how is that in your interest :mjlol:
You know thats a lie Hiiraale came only with Marehan muscle, he kept you away for 10 years without a single Habeshi

do not make me bring videos of huraale begging for ethiopians to save from the ONLf that kicked him out, when it was only reer waamo boys with uncle hassan turki and ahmed cade,

i can bring videos when he ran from kismayo to gedo in 2.6 seconds, broke the world record and asked for more ethiopian heavy weapons, like they supplied him sicne the 90s to make sure Ogaden is kept out of kismayo
Stop being triggered Kenya wants that oil hell or high water forget Somali nationalism for a second THEY WANT YOUR OIL how is that in your interest :mjlol:

what ever kid, come and get kismayo if you are rag nasab ah,

stay with the topic, yuo claimed habashi are running kismayo and i refuted your fake article


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
do not make me bring videos of huraale begging for ethiopians to save from the ONLf that kicked him out, when it was only reer waamo boys with uncle hassan turki and ahmed cade,

i can bring videos when he ran from kismayo to gedo in 2.6 seconds, broke the world record and asked for more ethiopian heavy weapons, like they supplied him sicne the 90s to make sure Ogaden is kept out of kismayo
So your claiming UIC/AS victories as OG now:childplease: pathetic
So your claiming UIC/AS victories as OG now:childplease: pathetic

in 2006 i karbashed marehan and shishkaba, you used ethiopians againts me, in 2008 yuo did the same when i kicked you out using hassan turki reer waamo forces,

i can karbash yuo with out foreigners, so when you brought in Ethiopians, i brought in kenyans abowe no,


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Ahmed madoobe needs to go, Kenya has to replace him I don't care who but anyone beside that lunatic, preferably a MX President in Jubbland could settle this never ending disputes.:bell::hillarybiz:
Ahmed madoobe needs to go, Kenya has to replace him I don't care who but anyone beside that lunatic, preferably a MX President in Jubbland could settle this never ending disputes.:bell::hillarybiz:

nope, we are majorty, like him or not, he will go when he wants, if he wants to stay for 30 years he will stay, nothing yall can do about it,

besides, marehan with 3 degmos cannot decide when ogaden has 12 degmos out of 15 degmos,

numbers talk,
nope, we are majorty, like him or not, he will go when he wants, if he wants to stay for 30 years he will stay, nothing yall can do about it,

besides, marehan with 3 degmos cannot decide when ogaden has 12 degmos out of 15 degmos,

numbers talk,
Stop pulling nonsense out of your ass sxb, Madoobe is there on Xininyo Bantu fufus and before that OG were sidelined. And even now if Madoobe had even a small amount of support he would be able to liberate lower and middle jubba but it's been impossible because he has no support outside of fufus guarding him in kista and his people living in afmadow and couple villages in lower jubba.
Who remembers hiraale crying about ONLF smacking his ass back in 08? :russ:

"Ogaden took us out by force please xabashis come save MX again" :mjcry:

OG nation ready to kill on sight :wow:


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
nope, we are majorty, like him or not, he will go when he wants, if he wants to stay for 30 years he will stay, nothing yall can do about it,

besides, marehan with 3 degmos cannot decide when ogaden has 12 degmos out of 15 degmos,

numbers talk,

If you guys are majority in JL then where the f*ck y'all were when MX and MJs been controlling Kismayo for decades? were you guys around or y'all just moved to JL from Ethiopia?

I don't understand this sudden OG obsession of Kismayo, the city is for everyone and it looks like every dog has a day, tommorow hopefully it will be our day.:kodaksmiley:
If you guys are majority in JL then where the f*ck y'all were when MX and MJs been controlling Kismayo for decades? were you guys around or y'all just moved to JL from Ethiopia?

I don't understand this sudden OG obsession of Kismayo, the city is for everyone and it looks like every dog has a day, tommorow hopefully it will be our day.:kodaksmiley:
First it was the Belgian who helped them out, look it up.

Second time, they teamed up, mj and mx and they turned on each other like wild dogs after got the city.

My adeer was the boss until the Americans and Belgians showed up. The amount of times ogs got fuckrd over by Europeans is fucking crazy, even on pre colonial days, they were on our case nacalada.
If you guys are majority in JL then where the f*ck y'all were when MX and MJs been controlling Kismayo for decades? were you guys around or y'all just moved to JL from Ethiopia?

I don't understand this sudden OG obsession of Kismayo, the city is for everyone and it looks like every dog has a day, tommorow hopefully it will be our day.:kodaksmiley:
OG had bigger fish to fry such as single handedly fighting Ethiopia. Things have settled in the last few years therefore we've been able to reclaim Kismayo and leng down any langaabs in our path. Unfortunately our MX cousins thought they could take on the OG nation :francis:
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