Any Danish Somalis that can translate?

Brah.. You put much work into this :mjlol:

Most people would say that Sweden and Swedes are the laughing stock of Scandinavia and Europe, innit? For its extreme political correctness and reckless immigration policies...

I know Danes make fun of Swedes, Norwegians do it too... Even the Finns now... the Finns! (they fought well against soviet russia though).


Veni Vidi Vici

Why are Danes and Swedes so different? Well, if you ask a Dane and a Swede, you are sure to get two very different answers. My Danish friends say: “The Swedes are a bit stuck-up and boring” whereas the Swedes will simply shrug their shoulders and admit that “Danes and Swedes are different. We really don't understand each other so well” and put it down to a language problem. What makes it even more interesting is that neither the Swedes nor Danes can understand each other's language so they prefer to communicate in a neutral language, English. Meanwhile, both (without admitting it) in some way envy their happy-go-lucky neighbours, the Norwegians, who can understand both Danish and Swedish.

orway has both on ropes

Sweden even got left behind in the deal on opening up tourism

Norway and Denmark drop mutual border controls - but exclude Sweden

Why are Danes and Swedes so different? Well, if you ask a Dane and a Swede, you are sure to get two very different answers. My Danish friends say: “The Swedes are a bit stuck-up and boring” whereas the Swedes will simply shrug their shoulders and admit that “Danes and Swedes are different. We really don't understand each other so well” and put it down to a language problem. What makes it even more interesting is that neither the Swedes nor Danes can understand each other's language so they prefer to communicate in a neutral language, English. Meanwhile, both (without admitting it) in some way envy their happy-go-lucky neighbours, the Norwegians, who can understand both Danish and Swedish.

orway has both on ropes

Sweden even got left behind in the deal on opening up tourism

Norway and Denmark drop mutual border controls - but exclude Sweden

I think Danes understand Swedes much better than the other way around.

Danish is intelligible for me as long as they don't speak too fast. Danish in its written form isn't difficult to understand at all for a Swede.

After all, Swedes, Danes and Norwegians are genetically and ethnically one and the same people.
Gay Somalis are literally at the bottom of Western society. Even below Muslim mainstream Somalis, in the eyes of most normal Westerners.

No they're not and you know this. They are actually near the top of the hierarchy and also happen to be more educated, wealthier and have expansive professional networks and diverse social circles.

I actually have it much easier as a gay Somali man in western society.

Colored gays (especially ex-Muslims) in fact have immunity for some reason. They are tolerated by the racists, cheered on by the conservatives and purple haired freaks, and loved by the white masses.

Just look at that YouTube video's comments for example. They're all leaving positive comments for a very dark skinned flamboyant Somali gay. This is Denmark, the most racist western European country. Now imagine if he were a straight Somali doing that exact same video. Well I do not need to tell you. We all know what kinds of comments would be left. The YouTube comment section is racist central. He has Coloured Gay Privilege and its so real. You know damn well the blonde racist Danes will be causing havoc if he were to be deported.

No they're not and you know this. They are actually near the top of the hierarchy and also happen to be more educated, wealthier and have expansive professional networks and diverse social circles.

I actually have it much easier as a gay Somali man in western society.

Colored gays (especially ex-Muslims) in fact have immunity for some reason. They are tolerated by the racists, cheered on by the conservatives and purple haired freaks, and loved by the white masses.

Just look at that YouTube video's comments for example. They're all leaving positive comments for a very dark skinned flamboyant Somali gay. This is Denmark, the most racist western European country. Now imagine if he were a straight Somali doing that exact same video. Well I do not need to tell you. We all know what kinds of comments would be left. The YouTube comment section is alt-right central. He has Coloured Gay Privilege and its so real.


