Somali psycho
Heer is based and consistent entirely with the Shari'a. You have confused the variations that exist based on qabil and region as something that has no strict rules and can change anytime. Elders back then were mostly knowledgeable ulema' and qadis who memorized Sahih Muslim Bi sharh Li Imam An Nawawi that could dispense the judgement that is derived from quran and Sunnah and not the ignoramuses walking around today that have no business being called elders.
"The Xeer legal system is assumed to have developed exclusively in the Horn of Africa and was developed by the Somali people since approximately the 7th century. There is no evidence that it developed elsewhere or was greatly influenced by any foreign legal system. The fact that Somali legal terminology is practically devoid of loan words from foreign languages suggests that the Xeer is truly indigenous."
Xeer predates Imam Shafici, and it could also predate Islam. Xeer is a very sophisticated system of justice invented by our ancestors, so stop trying to diminish our achievements.