any somalis here tried alcohol?

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I asked @AbdiJohnson to bring me evidence of this "size able percentage of Somali who drink" claim hes making. Nigga wuu isku xaaray as usual :chrisfreshhah:

Do you want photo evidence?

Go outside to bars. You'll see Somalis. Go to shisha spots. They serve alcohol there. Go to clubs

I even once saw a hoyoo go to the government liquor store. And a Somali about

And my friend told me he saw his friends mom pass a beer to his dad while watching TV but tried to hide it with her garbasaar so he didn't see it. But he saw.

We have many Djiboutians here so I see their liberalism towards alcohol all the time. They're not shameful about it.
drinking moderately is key. Any form of substance abuse will result in negative effects. Liver cirrhosis is an extreme example to give for moderate drinkers.


No point really. Long-term it will damage your liver, not worth it. White people drink alcohol because they have higher depression


I got boomer connections
drinking moderately is key. Any form of substance abuse will result in negative effects. Liver cirrhosis is an extreme example to give for moderate drinkers.

Still if you sip 1 Oz of alcohol the chance is present.
Once you get cirrhosis and no cure it leads to liver cancer. Boom you can't even get liver transplant. You're dead with in couple of years.

scientists are close to healing the scar tissue, reversing the condition. The liver is an amazing organ, it is capable of regenerating itself. With the aid of bone marrow cells, transplant of livers will be a very easy task.


I got boomer connections
scientists are close to healing the scar tissue, reversing the condition. The liver is an amazing organ, it is capable of regenerating itself. With the aid of bone marrow cells, transplant of livers will be a very easy task.

Not really once you have liver cirrhosis at moment nothing they can do for you. Once the liver is infected with cirrhosis, your liver will develop scars , leading "hepatocellular carcinoma cancer." All they can do for you is injCT what is call
[Percutaneous ethanol injection .]
Just to reduce tumor, and help reduce the fluid that build inside your stomach. Ultimately survival is higher when you can get liver transplant. In a case of a patient with cirrhosis no such thing performed!
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