Anybody here have experience with psychedelics?

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Ive been doing quite some reading on them and i am very interested in trying DMT. Psychedelics for those of you who dont know, are powerful mind altering substances that can cause hallucinations and/or apparent expansion of conciousness


I took mushrooms once. I had a horrible experience. I started hearing voices like a madman and seeing things that weren't there. Shit lasted nearly 12 hours. I won't ever do it again.
I took mushrooms once. I had a horrible experience. I started hearing voices like a madman and seeing things that weren't there. Shit lasted nearly 12 hours. I won't ever do it again.
12 hours! holy shit that mustve been scary af!. Have you learned anything new about yourself from that experience tho?


I took mushrooms once. I had a horrible experience. I started hearing voices like a madman and seeing things that weren't there. Shit lasted nearly 12 hours. I won't ever do it again.

McL i could be your hooyo warra who you chiding


12 hours! holy shit that mustve been scary af!. Have you learned anything new about yourself from that experience tho?

Nothing really. I was aware that it all wasn't real (voices, shapes etc) and simply wanted it to be over fast, but it lasted way too long. Shit was weird as f*ck.
Nothing really. I was aware that it all wasn't real (voices, shapes etc) and simply wanted it to be over fast, but it lasted way too long. Shit was weird as f*ck.
Its al about dosage my friend, how much did you take? And were there any people around you to witness your hysteria?
Psychedelics give insight into the biological nature of perception and consciousness. Everything you believe to be true or of value instantly becomes meaningless. The beauty of psychedelics comes after the trip, when you choose whether to dismiss, to acknowledge or to act on that insight.

Psychedelics give insight into the biological nature of perception and consciousness. Everything you believe to be true or of value instantly becomes meaningless. The beauty of psychedelics comes after the trip, when you choose whether to dismiss, to acknowledge or to act on that insight.

Major spoiler alert there buddy. What kind did you try and who hooked you up?
Major spoiler alert there buddy. What kind did you try and who hooked you up?

Shrooms and acid is far into the rabbit hole I've gone. The weed man hooked me up, Gateway drug.

From what I hear, salvia is a nice prep for DMT. You don't want to jump into something like that recklessly. You wanna do Shrooms because its an emotive trip and acid is more hallucinatory (visual and auditory)
Shrooms and acid is far into the rabbit hole I've gone. The weed man hooked me up, Gateway drug.

From what I hear, salvia is a nice prep for DMT. You don't want to jump into something like that recklessly. You wanna do Shrooms because its an emotive trip and acid is more hallucinatory (visual and auditory)
Thank you for teaching me the right way to do drugs, You are awesome!
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