Anybody notice there’s no Somali gender wars on twitter anymore

Somali females started the gender war around 2014 and we're taking the liberties Non-stop until Dnn came around and crushed them on Twitter/X. The gender waring Somali females are not on Twitter/X anymore, there on Tiktok now.

When UK Somali Twitter was popping in 2011-2013 there were no gender wars, the decline of UK Somali Twitter and decline of UK Black Twitter was around the same time simultaneously in 2013. Those were the golden year's.

Then in 2013 when George Zimmerman was acquited in the murder case of Trayvon Martin soon after the BLM movement started and Somali females wanted to prove their blackness to Black people and started started attacking Somali males around 2014 making viral anti-Somali posts non-stop for Madows to haha and keke, those Somali females were just being total bed-wenches for Black approval.
This was a good breakdown but I don’t really too much anti Somali men on TikTok but I see it once in a while


Plotting world domination
This was a good breakdown but I don’t really too much anti Somali men on TikTok but I see it once in a while
You have to interact with more toxic Somali content just to see their stuff.luckily most of the people that see their content are usually only Somali.

Even the dumarland chicks from a few months ago calmed down pretty quickly.