Wait... now, am I the only one to whom this is stranger than fucking an old Chinese lady?I can NEVER tell another soul about this, my hoyoo would spread this shit like wildfire. But I don't really regret it.

Wait... now, am I the only one to whom this is stranger than fucking an old Chinese lady?I can NEVER tell another soul about this, my hoyoo would spread this shit like wildfire. But I don't really regret it.
Why is it a sin? What is so wrong about to consenting adults making love and enjoying each others company...Zina is nothing to brag about and it is no minor sin to scoff at.
“And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Faahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin, and an evil way that leads one to hell unless Allah Forgives him).” [al-Isra’ 17:32]
The Prophet (SAW) said in a ḥadīth reported by Imām al-Bukhari:
“When the fornicator is committing fornication, he is not a believer.”
“and he who transgresses the bounds set by Allah commits a wrong against himself” (Sūrah al-Ṭalāq, 65:1).
O Allah! Forgive our sins… Purify our hearts… and safeguard our chastity. Ameen!
Why is it a sin? What is so wrong about to consenting adults making love and enjoying each others company...
The fact that Allah (SWT) made it haram should already be enough reason not to engage in it, but just to give some specific reasons for its danger:
1. It ruins your iman
2. Brings dishonor to your family
3. It may lead to the murder of young children (more commonly known as abortion)
4. May create unwanted children in foster homes
5. May ruin your halal sex with your wife/husband and increase the chance of divorce
6. It will leave you vulnerable to many STIs and STDs all the way from HIV/AIDs to Gonoherra
Like I said, though, the fact that it harms your relationship with the Almighty (SWT) should be reason enough.
Those are not good enough reasons for eternal damnation. So I guess the only reason people get sent to hell is for disobeying what god says and not the act itself. There is nothing inherently wrong about premarital sex.
Whether your family is okay with premarital sex or not, how does it bring shame to them? Its your private life and they should have nothing to do with it.
If you want to stop abortion and limit the transfer of STIs then sex education plays a major role in their reduction. On the subject of abortions, there are legitimate reasons to have them so I'm not for an outright ban on it.
As for foster care, look at the state the world is in friend. People start wars, die from diseases, accidents and so on. To put the blame on premarital sex is absurd.
Allah (SWT) discouraged extramarital affairs so ultimately it's an evil act that distances us from our Lord (SWT).
Also, any sort of sexual encounter automatically increases your chance of obtaining an STI/STD so I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to argue there.
Your family will be humiliated and so it not only brings you and the person you're doing it shame, it also brings your family who had nothing to do with your encounter shame once people start talking about it.
Since so many bad things are already happening in the world, maybe we can all try to work together to make it a little bit nicer by not engaging in extramarital affairs that result in abandoned children![]()
Disgusting an old asian women?!
The only thing that tops this is smashing a trap, my god.. A old Chinese female! I would kill myself if I was you. Or become asexual and be lonely for the rest of thy life.
You guys act like I can go back in time and change this shit. I'm just trying to make peace with. If I get married, should I tell my future wife this incident?
I don’t get why people are so afraid about disclosing their sexual history with their partners. What’s so shameful about exploring your sexuality?? It’s a natural human experience.
You're the most confusing poster on Somalispot. Mad unpredictable.
Lol explain??![]()
I can't. I thought you were super conservative Muslim. Then you shared some of your views so I suspected you were the liberal variant... but then you seemed in line with at least social conservatism. And now you're throwing this bookey question around. And most shockingly, you were British this whole time.
You, maybe. Who knows: Homosexuality is an abomination, but Hitler did nothing wrong
Sometimes I find it hard to believe you are a genuine Somali male. Is it possible for Abdi’s to be so progressively open-minded, thoughtful and intelligent??I'll never understand your viewpoint... Murder, rape, theft, cheating, I get being 'sinful' as those negatively affect others but a consensual experience? I don't buy that.
Again, if my children were to have premarital sex, I would find no humiliation in that whatsoever. It's their private life and I have no business thinking about it or talking about it. I find talking behind peoples backs way more distasteful than premarital sex yet that isn't something to go to hell over and Muslim people do it all the time.
Yes, chances of STIs increase with the more sexual encounters you have, but there are ways to limit it. You can abstain from sex until you find someone special which I have no issue with or you can use protection and make sure you have open dialogue with those you're engaging with.
Don't put orphaned children on premarital sex. There are other worldly reasons that have caused the issue at a far greater rate. Look at Somalia, years of civil war has orphaned children and for what reason? Tribal bullshit.
It's not good to talk of your past behaviors.You guys act like I can go back in time and change this shit. I'm just trying to make peace with. If I get married, should I tell my future wife this incident?
depends how she looks, you got any pics? Post a pic of someone who resembles herI wasn't really planning on anything but yesterday I was talking to this middle age Chinese woman in my apartment building and said that's a nice tattoo on her breast. Then we talked more in her apartment and now I just left her place and heading to school.
I can NEVER tell another soul about this, my hoyoo would spread this shit like wildfire. But I don't really regret it.
Anyone else had a similar experience?