Anyone else think this way about other qabils/tribes?

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All trolling and fadhi ku dirir aside, I have no enmity or cuqdad for any of other tribes in the Somali peninsula. But, to be perfectly honest, I have no care for them or their plight at all. If, for example, Ethiopia were to decide to mobilize and invade Somaliland and unleashes untold massacres in the process, I wouldn't care at all about it. This contrasts starkly with the Palestinians and their plight, in which I care very much about as well as the plight of Muslims in the Central African Republic and those in Myanmar. But the Palestinian issue stands to be the most important in my eyes, and I will always stand with my Palestinian brothers and sisters and do whatever I can to aid them in their noble struggle against the evil zionists.

Anyone else have similar sentiments about other qabils? There's the xoolo who revel in the misery and killing of helpless people of other qabils, and then there are those who are completely neutral and neither wish well or bad for other qabils, so there is a clear line there.
You can't have different countries based on clan. I'm sorry but colonial borders will be erased and we will all unite so forget about some silly clan neighborhood boundaries you want to carve as a different nation.

I don't see things in clan lenses. We are all the same.
You can't have different countries based on clan. I'm sorry but colonial borders will be erased and we will all unite so forget about some silly clan neighborhood boundaries you want to carve as a different nation.

Unite based on what? Why stop there? Why not unite the entire African continent? Or the world? Since we're all the same at the end of the day, right? :heh:

We can certainly have countries based on tribe. In fact, that's how it is has always been in the Somali peninsula. Qabil kingdoms/states have been the way of life for thousands of years in the region. The idea of a single, central government ruling over all of these diverse and unrelated peoples is nothing more than a foreign construct that was imposed by colonialists. It doesn't naturally flow at all from genuine Somali dhaqan and customs as qabil kingdoms and states do.
Countries are easing border restrictions in the West with free movement of people and goods and there is growing popularity to even unite. Thr average Czechoslovakian was furious when their country was divided.

Even the North and South Korea administrations see themselves as the government of all Koreans, not just the countries they respectively control. Kim Jung Un would be singing reunification paperwork tomorrow if they were to accept defeat. And so would the South Koreans. There is even Ministries of Reunification that is planning for the inevitable. This is the only issue that both countries wholeheartedly agree with

But what can you expect from brain dead Africans. If they had any intelligence, the average African wouldn't be living in a mudhut.


All trolling and fadhi ku dirir aside, I have no enmity or cuqdad for any of other tribes in the Somali peninsula. But, to be perfectly honest, I have no care for them or their plight at all. If, for example, Ethiopia were to decide to mobilize and invade Somaliland and unleashes untold massacres in the process, I wouldn't care at all about it. This contrasts starkly with the Palestinians and their plight, in which I care very much about as well as the plight of Muslims in the Central African Republic and those in Myanmar. But the Palestinian issue stands to be the most important in my eyes, and I will always stand with my Palestinian brothers and sisters and do whatever I can to aid them in their noble struggle against the evil zionists.

Anyone else have similar sentiments about other qabils? There's the xoolo who revel in the misery and killing of helpless people of other qabils, and then there are those who are completely neutral and neither wish well or bad for other qabils, so there is a clear line there.

This Wilde beast of a creature must be trolling no way IT wrote this utter Bull monkey crap with a straight face.
no you're not rare.

you fall right in line with the thought process of most somali dhocilo, booty clapping for arabs, while not caring about somalis. :kanyeshrug:
Countries are easing border restrictions in the West with free movement of people and goods and there is growing popularity to even unite.
That's because they are largely the same people who share similar cultural values, customs, heritage, and long-term alliances. It makes sense. But, that's Europe only (particularly Western Europe). The Americans, for the most part, would be outraged at the thought of uniting with either Canada or Mexico (or both in a hypothetical North American union), while the Canadians feel the same way.

Even the North and South Korea administrations see themselves as the government of all Koreans, not just the countries they respectively control. Kim Jung Un would be singing reunification paperwork tomorrow if they were to accept defeat. And so would the South Koreans. There is even Ministries of Reunification that is planning for the inevitable. This is the only issue that both countries wholeheartedly agree with
That's the leadership which is more of a reflection of their expansionist ideals and domination/subjugation of the other rather than genuine reunification. What do the people on the ground think? You will find they hate the others from the North/South and see them as a completely different and distinct people. They would be disgusted and fight reunification with the North/South.
Most people in Korea would like to have one country and expect it. Some expressed concern that it will cost alot of money but most are in favour of it. You do know they all have family on both sides of the border right?

Why would Americans feel outraged if they gobbled up Canada? And why would Canada feel outraged if the Americans joined them? Don't be silly.
Most people in Korea would like to have one country and expect it. Some expressed concern that it will cost alot of money but most are in favour of it. You do know they all have family on both sides of the border right?
This is how I know you don't interact much with Koreans. Granted, my interaction has been mainly with the Southern ones, the way they think and talk down upon those from the North destroys the narrative you're trying to build here. North and South Koreans hate each other and would love to see the other destroyed. Having family living on both sides of the border doesn't change anything. How many Darods have family living in Ugandishu but would never unite with it or the Hawiyes living in the city?

Why would Americans feel outraged if they gobbled up Canada? And why would Canada feel outraged if the Americans joined them? Don't be silly.

Vastly differing values, beliefs, and heritages perhaps? Canada has an infusion of French and British values into its national identity, while the US has been distancing itself from its British heritage for centuries now. It just wouldn't be cohesive as there would be too many clashes of these fundamentally differing values. I can list countless examples, but the one that readily comes to mind is nationalized healthcare. There is no way the majority of Americans would ever accept the Canadian system, likewise there is no Canadians would ever accept the American system. These vastly differing cultural values are perhaps best encapsulated in the guiding principles of the two countries. In the US it's, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". While in Canada it's, "Peace, order, and good government". Just look how much politicians have to distance themselves from the conspiracy theory that is known as the North American Union which should tell you just how unpopular it is with the people.

Sorry man, but your globalist and unity narrative just isn't consistent with reality. If anything, countries are fragmenting all over the world and newer countries are in the process of being formed. Everyone sees what a disaster the EU is and its poised to collapse soon after the few prosperous nations that have been carrying it on their backs decide to finally pull out.
no you're not rare.

you fall right in line with the thought process of most somali dhocilo, booty clapping for arabs, while not caring about somalis. :kanyeshrug:

How is that bootyclapping for Arabs? :draketf:

The other qabils are not my people. I am not at all obligated to care for their plight. In fact, one can easily argue by that logical that you are a Hawiye bootyclapper.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
no you're not rare.

you fall right in line with the thought process of most somali dhocilo, booty clapping for arabs, while not caring about somalis. :kanyeshrug:

I like to think Darod Supremacy is basically the personification of everything we hate about post-civil war Somalis. It's very highbrow trolling that allows us some introspection.

Or maybe he really is insane lol
@Imam_Hutuking what do you think about what this darod brother is saying

He is revealing the awful behavior of modern Somalis: Your clan is massacred by Gaalo, i dont care.

Man f*ck Palestine, iraq and Syria. These sandniggers hate us to death.
I dont care about them at all.

Today its nationalism. I dont share his view.
Mujahid Waraabe u know iam 10000% against secession of any clan, but that is no reason to say: i dont give a f*ck if ethiopia invades somaliland and destroys that place.The same shit with punaniland.
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