Anyone peeping the beef on twitter right now?

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@Mega Mayne waryaaxe yaa ku dalay?
No, it's not typical behavior. You need to stop taking the internet so serious.
You're right.
Why are somalis so vicious on the Internet. Sometimes you can be the bigger person you know, and not be quick to anger. :vo3yidw:

Also I read some of the tweets about somalis being antiblack because they targeted her fake hair? :mindblown:
Wouldn't she be antiblack too making fun of people for being black? What is antiblack? Are Afro Americans the 'epitome' of black and everyone else lower level black?

Like making fun of aspects of african American culture and features = antiblack but
Making fun of somali cultures and features = ok?

I've seen this when AAs attack Nigerians for being antiblack because they said something about a lack of family values but then AAs will attack Nigerians and other west africans by calling them african booty scratcher and monkeys.

@Mega Mayne

I don't get it.

To be fair, I think anyone would've responded that way if provoked like that.
Not to say that excuses all the other unnecessary trolling though...

Lol I didn't see anything about people targeting her fake hair. Don't see how that would make someone "anti-black" anyway tbh.
Maybe if they made fun of afro-textured hair, or other black features in general

You may have a point about black people being able to make fun of Somalian's features (such as their forehead) and it not being seen as anti-black, but if the case was switched around then it would be.. so there is definitely a double standard there.

Uhh, how much AA vs Nigerian arguments you've come across? I'm aware some AAs can be very ignorant to Africans.
The one you described sounds like AAs being anti-black lol. We share the same features.
Mega Man do you know the Internet gives people anonminity and the power to say whatever they like, don't believe the rhetoric here most Somalis are accepting people, I know this bc it's wrong to generalise a group of people, sometimes I write shit but I don't believe it, btw ghost asked who are you born to? Rough translation
Mega Man do you know the Internet gives people anonminity and the power to say whatever they like, don't believe the rhetoric here most Somalis are accepting people, I know this bc it's wrong to generalise a group of people, sometimes I write shit but I don't believe it, btw ghost asked who are you born to? Rough translation

Very true, anonymity or being about to say things without immediate repercussion will make someone act a fool.
I've also written things I'm not too proud of also. Nobody's perfect.
Oh sooo typical. Somali sounding like the infantile refugee retards that they are....and the idiots on SS bursting with pride over their juvenile insults........"yeah we showed them"......meanwhile most of their people can't feed or clothe themselves....and they still pouring out of their failed state like vile pablum. Until you all get some real perspective the highlight of your lives will be this kind of imbecilic bullshyt! This and the next somali who graduates with a community college degree will be be your source of pride. Pathetic!


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Oh sooo typical. Somali sounding like the infantile refugee retards that they are....and the idiots on SS bursting with pride over their juvenile insults........"yeah we showed them"......meanwhile most of their people can't feed or clothe themselves....and they still pouring out of their failed state like vile pablum. Until you all get some real perspective the highlight of your lives will be this kind of imbecilic bullshyt! This and the next somali who graduates with a community college degree will be be your source of pride. Pathetic!

You condone people insulting Somalis unprovoked. You're shameless.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Oh sooo typical. Somali sounding like the infantile refugee retards that they are....and the idiots on SS bursting with pride over their juvenile insults........"yeah we showed them"......meanwhile most of their people can't feed or clothe themselves....and they still pouring out of their failed state like vile pablum. Until you all get some real perspective the highlight of your lives will be this kind of imbecilic bullshyt! This and the next somali who graduates with a community college degree will be be your source of pride. Pathetic!
it's twitter, people are on there 80% for the banter, she started it and we finished her:mybusiness::mjswag:
You condone people insulting Somalis unprovoked. You're shameless.

I don't condone or condemn anything....just saying that you all look stupid having orgasms over the vomiting of what looks too be somali teens. Low bar set for somali pride. Just an opinion.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I don't condone or condemn anything....just saying that you all look stupid having orgasms over the vomiting of what looks too be somali teens. Low bar set for somali pride. Just an opinion.

How about the AA woman who mocked Somalis for no reason? You support that.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
I don't condone or condemn anything....just saying that you all look stupid having orgasms over the vomiting of what looks too be somali teens. Low bar set for somali pride. Just an opinion.
Why are you here? No seriously, you don't like Somalis but you're still talking about/to us.
Oh sooo typical. Somali sounding like the infantile refugee retards that they are....and the idiots on SS bursting with pride over their juvenile insults........"yeah we showed them"......meanwhile most of their people can't feed or clothe themselves....and they still pouring out of their failed state like vile pablum. Until you all get some real perspective the highlight of your lives will be this kind of imbecilic bullshyt! This and the next somali who graduates with a community college degree will be be your source of pride. Pathetic!
excuse me, I happened to hold a masters degree from a reputable university, and it's my source of pride and joy. I expect an apology from you.
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