Apparently masjids warn against marrying Somali men because of their abuse.


Mixture of Somali mothers babying their sons while disciplining their daughters and the lack of fathers. Especially if the son is the baby of the family 💀

lots of the older generation men in the community are horrible fathers man. Either they just leave their wives for god knows what reason, or spend most of their time sipping tea at Tim Hortons having irl #FKDspot meetings instead of taking care of their kids lol. I can only think of 2 older Somali couple pairings in my life that have functioning loving marriages. The rest are moshup.

Sons in their teenage years need their fathers more then mothers. I know that in and out cause I was like that. It was so stressful choosing what my path in life would be after high school without a father to talk about it to :damn: Alx after some calcaling I had an adeero who acted like a father figure for me that helped me out in that regard but many niggas don’t have that option.

now to the hooyo bit. They treat their sons like ciyaal. Even my hooyo god bless her soul but she’s like this too 😭 can’t even cook cunto on my own without her trying to take control. Sometimes I come home from college or work and see my whole room rearranged and cleaned of all my papers and textbooks on the ground like I’m some 9 year old child kkk. I try my best to be independent but Somali hooyo are gonna Somali hooyo. Meanwhile the daughters are thrown to the woods the moment puberty hits :dead: this type of parenting leads to boys who can’t take of themselves. Imagine 25 year old Hibaaq marrying a nigga who can’t even wash his clothing properly? Wallahi I can’t imagine the utter turn off that is:damn:

TLDR: Somalis are Muslim AA’s.
I can see that with my brothers, luckily I was raised by my grandmother, I had a lot more freedom but more responsibilities.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I feel like a lot of guys that got in married 2020s have married out but maybe I'm just noticed it more


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