Appreciation of Galmudug the Rising Super State

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:mjlol: Interesting how you chose the Somali version and not the English version of the Mudug page




Gaalkacyo Gangster
Burtinle waa magaalo Waana dagmo ku taal Gobolka Nugaal not Mudug.................and yes the whole of Mudug belongs to Galmudug just as Sool and Sanaag belongs to Somaliland, currently the northern tip of Mudug is under dispute just like the London Chatham House of International Affairs states, its temporarily and hopefully once galmudug gets back on its feet 100% after reconciliation between HG groups all disputed lands in northern tip of Mudug will be taken and resolved as Galmudug Lands.
You're delusional.:chrisfreshhah:

We know where the border is. For federalism to work, both sides have to respect that. North Mudug is Puntland and south Mudug is Galmudug. There's no reason we can't be neighbors if each state sticks to that and administers their side.
You're delusional.:chrisfreshhah:

We know where the border is. For federalism to work, both sides have to respect that. North Mudug is Puntland and south Mudug is Galmudug. There's no reason we can't be neighbors if each state sticks to that and administers their side.

sxb for federalism to work, puntlands aggression toward the 2 peaceful states of Galmudug and Somaliland must be resolved, puntland claims territory she has no right or historical grounds to it, sool and sanaag belongs to Somailand and Mudug as a whole belongs to Galmudug and that my ignorant friend is a fact that must be dealt with peacefully or through violence which puntaland is known for not being good at it..


Gaalkacyo Gangster
sxb for federalism to work, puntlands aggression toward the 2 peaceful states of Galmudug and Somaliland must be resolved, puntland claims territory she has no right or historical grounds to it, sool and sanaag belongs to Somailand and Mudug as a whole belongs to Galmudug and that my ignorant friend is a fact that must be dealt with peacefully or through violence which puntaland is known for not being good at it..
Please explain to me how north Mudug belongs to Galmudug "historically". The people living there want to be a part of Puntland, not Galmudug. Trying to take that area would make you the aggressors, you dumbfuck. I think the qablyalad has rotted your brain.

As for Puntland not being good at fighting, lmao. Whatever you tell yourself to make yourself feel better. We haven't lost one inch of land since the civil war started, despite the best efforts of people like you. But you're welcome to keep trying. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.:chrisfreshhah:
What's this cuqdad against reer-Puntland and the Majerteen on SSpot? From threads on how we need to be exterminated, to conspiracies, to now fantasy maps. Waa arin cajiib ah.
They rock themselves to sleep whispering Majerteen.

Itoobiya oo heshay meel ay uga duusho Soomaaliya iyo Qorshe lagu bur burinayo Galmudug oo lagu dajiyay Adis Ababa
Apr 12, 2017 - jawaab

Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa badashay qorshaheedii siyaasadda Soomaaliya iyadoo yeelatay saaxiibo cusub kuwaas oo ay u aragto iney ufulin karaan danahooda Soomaaliya.

Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Itoobiya ay isku dayday iney xariirkeeda koobaad la yeelato maamul goboleedyada dalka, gaar ahaan Jubbaland iyo Koofur Galbeed hase ahaatee awooda maamuladaas ee dowladda dhexe ayay u aragtay mid aanan xooganeyn.

Intaas kadib Itoobiya ayaa si lama filaan ah dalkeda ugu casuuntay madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland Cabdi Wali Maxamed Cali Gaas maadaama maamulkiisu uu sameyn karo arimo aysan ogeyn dowladda dhexe sida heshiisyada gaarka ah iyo barnaamijyada kale ee dhanka siyaasadda.

Bishii lasoo dhaafay oo kaliya madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa tagay magaaladda Adis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ilaa shan mar iyadoo uu la kulmayay wasiirka arimaha dibadda iyo ra’isul wasaaraha dalkaas.

Waa Maxay Qorshaha Itoobiya ay ka leedahay Puntland?

Puntland ayaa dooneysa iney awood ku yeelato siyaasada Soomaaliya, waxaana ay taageero ka dooneysaa Itoobiya, laakiin qorshaha Itoobiya ay leedahay ayaa ah iney sii wado siyaasada ay kaga hortageyso midnimada Soomaaliya.

Sidoo kale qorshaha Itoobiya ayaa ah in lagu wareejiyo qeybo kamid ah dekadaha deegaanadaas ku yaal gaar ahaan dekadda Garacad oo laga dhigayo mid casri ah, maadaama dekadda Berbera oo ay Itoobiya isticmaali jirtay lagu wareejiyay Imaaraadka.

Itoobiya ayaa sidoo kale kala heshiisay madaxweynaha Puntland inuu ka hor yimaado amarada kasoo baxa dowladda Soomaaliya ee lidka ku ah Itoobiya.

Waa Maxay Qorshaha Puntland?

Cabsida ugu weyn ee ay qabto Puntland ayaa ah in deegaanada Galmudug ay midoobaan gaar ahaan Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca iyo Galmudug, taas oo caqabad ku noqon karta awooda maamulkooda.

Sidoo kale, hadii ay Galmudug midoobaan waxaa isbiirsanaya Galmudug iyo Hiirshabeele waana arin aysan raali ka aheyn Puntland sida ay wararka sheegayaan.

Iyadoo ay taas jirto ayay Puntland waxaa ay Itoobiya ka dalbatay in ciidamadeeda ay kala baxdo deegaanada Mudug, Galgaduud iyo Hiiraan.

Itoobiya oo aqbashay dalabkaas ayaa si deg deg ah uga baxday Ceel-buur, waxaana sidoo kale ay qorsheynayaan iney ka baxaan qeybo kamid ah Galgaduud iyo Hiiraan.


Sidoo kale Itoobiya ayaa ka shaqeyneysa iney xariir la yeelato madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Farmaajo iyadoo umareysa madaxweynaha Puntland oo ay isku qabiil kasoo jeedaan.


Baal waxaan eeg

Above are the Contested area acknowledged by the International Stakeholders and UN, inshalahi tomorrows mediated talks between Galmudug and ragtag militia will bear fruit (the small militia will be fully incorporated into the Society of Galmudug)so that Galmudug can focus on the bigger Picture Of Uniting the Whole of Mudug which currently is missing the Small northern tip.
All jokes aside, I support Galmudug and all other federal states as long as they respect their respective borders. We are stuck together, might as well learn to get along.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
All jokes aside, I support Galmudug and all other federal states as long as they respect their respective borders. We are stuck together, might as well learn to get along.

Though I agree, experience taught me never to be reasonable with these people. Always act ignorant af when dealing with them :icon lol:
Though I agree, experience taught me never to be reasonable with these people. Always act ignorant af when dealing with them :icon lol:

I think with time, our HG neighbours will learn to stay away from other people's lands. At the end of the day, it is their sons who are being sent on a suicide mission that will lead to hellfire.

It's as silly as Dhulbahante claiming Berbera for Khaatumo state.
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