Apu axed from the simpsons

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Apu isn't my problem but I can sympathize with South Asians as they claim to get compared to Apu often in the US. The topic of the dangers of stereotyping already intrigues me more than anything from the Simpsons for the past decade anyway.

As for this "What about Groundskeeper Willy and that Luigi chef?" complaint, it's not hard to see how non-whites are more in danger of being stereotyped in everyday life than specific groups of whites. A more fitting comparison would be Bumblebee Man and it's why I'm curious to see if he'll ever return or not.
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Why didn't they get rid of Groundskeeper Willy then? Utter B.S.

All the Indians on Twitter are furious at this decision. The alt-left NPC mob are now destroying classic TV shows. There is no way to avoid these creeps. They are involved in every part of our lives. Just last week they made Kleenex get rid of one of their tissue products because it was called "man size". What the hell is going on in this world?

I agree with u even the main character is a typical fat American slob. Yet they don't complain lol

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
what...easy going and good hearted. Homer is seen as a great husband and goofy guy.
Fat, lazy, dumb, and alcoholic.

White People are so Laandheere, they don’t let unflattering representations bother them.

But God forbid you put out something about ethnic people(however accurate) and you catch shit storm and possibly lose your job
Fat, lazy, dumb, and alcoholic.

White People are so Laandheere, they don’t let unflattering representations bother them.

But God forbid you put out something about ethnic people(however accurate) and you catch shit storm and possibly lose your job

Because it's often white people making said jokes.

That and they know they're admired worldwide anyway so any joke about them by non-whites obviously won't sting them nearly as much.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Who gives a damn it's a cartoon :drakewtf: but now we can atleast complain about Somalis and piracy. Remember when south park did us dirty :mjcry:

South park was a different breed. They wouldnt cut Apu off
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