Arab guy gets ATTACKED by Somalis for calling Ilhan Omar an Arab even though she identifies as Arab

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Saudis can go f*ck themselves. So can most Gulf Arabs. Ummah doesn't exist.

But still they've been more civilized to Somalis than black africans down in South Africa

I love my fellow Africans. Hate gulf bedouins. AAs aren't Africans though
"But still they've been more civilized to Somalis than black africans down in South Africa" what about black africans in kenya? somalis hold top positions in their goverment and are the richest minority. yet your arab brethren in egypt...too busy killing your women and children
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lmao. "black" is a race so being subsaharan african your automatically part of that umbrella. you share history (mostly with the north/east), you share culture (our culture is distinctly african), you share ancestry (there are cushitic people in west, north, east of africa), language (afro asiatic) etc. thats automatically more then you would share with any arab. there were indians who inhibited somalia are we indian too? there were east asian mongolians who inhibited afghanistan and iran are they east asian? with our close proximity to yeman it makes sense they would arrive there, doesn't make us arab. turks and Portuguese have come to somalia, are we their ancestors as well?
1. Yes we share history with North and East/Horn of Africa
2. No there is no such thing as an African culture. The cultural diffeence between a Bantu from Congo and a Somali from Somalia is huge. There is no similarity abaayo.
3. We don't share ancestry or DNA with any Africans except North Africa and (some of) East Africa. lol there are Cushitic people who live in China does that mean we share ancestry with them?
4. In language we speak our mother tounge of Somali, with many Somalis, primarily the educated ones, also speaking and having spoken Arabic for the past 1000 years or so, atleast. Arabic and Somali are both Afro Asiatic btw,
5. When have Indians inhabited Somalia? Never. You're talking out of your ass
6. There are infact several groups in Iran and Afghanistan who are mixed with Mongolids and therefore discriminated against, and they're easily identifiable by their Mongolid features. And either way your argument is nonsenseical
7. Turks haven't come to Somalia and settled, neither have Portugese, (except for a small time frame in Barawa, until they were chased out.) There have been several settlements by Arabs though, and many Somalis, you included, claim descendance from these Arabs.
8. yous triggered
"But still they've been more civilized to Somalis than black africans down in South Africa" what about black africans in kenya? somalis hold top positions in their goverment and are the richest minority. yet your arab brethren in egypt...too busy killing your women and children
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f*ck them too. They are scum and deserve beheadings.

I like Persians/Iranians/Kurds more than arabs tbh. Smarter and better people, we should ally ourselves with them instead of goat fuckers
Somalis need to keep their identity exclusive. Stop begging to join other groups whether it's Black, Arab or even other East Africans.

We should follow the example of the Jewish community. You don't see them claiming that they're White.
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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Lol this 'are somalis black' question is literally more than 100yrs old. Are you guys ever going to get tired?
1. Yes we share history with North and East/Horn of Africa
2. No there is no such thing as an African culture. The cultural diffeence between a Bantu from Congo and a Somali from Somalia is huge. There is no similarity abaayo.

but are ethiopians not african? what about the mussai? (we share similar dances). our culture is distinctly african meaning the closest similarity you will find is within africa itself not the middle east.
3. We don't share ancestry or DNA with any Africans except North Africa and (some of) East Africa. lol there are Cushitic people who live in China does that mean we share ancestry with them?
4. In language we speak our mother tounge of Somali, with many Somalis, primarily the educated ones, also speaking and having spoken Arabic for the past 1000 years or so, atleast. Arabic and Somali are both Afro Asiatic btw,
we only started speaking arabic after it become our second language in somalia. but still barely anyone speaks it back home. unlike sudan who have NOT been arabized completely. we retained our language and you should be proud instead of downplaying it. smh

5. When have Indians inhabited Somalia? Never. You're talking out of your ass
during the Ajuuran period somalis used to trade with india and back then some of them stayed in somalia. a tiny minority that was somalized. atleast thats what I've been told on here :browtf:.
6. There are infact several groups in Iran and Afghanistan who are mixed with Mongolids and therefore discriminated against, and they're easily identifiable by their Mongolid features. And either way your argument is nonsenseical
i know but just because there are Mongolians in the country doesn't mean the Persians living there can claim Mongolian ancestry. thats essentially what you were doing by saying we have an arab minority in somalia :camby:
7. Turks haven't come to Somalia and settled, neither have Portugese, (except for a small time frame in Barawa, until they were chased out.) There have been several settlements by Arabs though, and many Somalis, you included, claim descendance from these Arabs.
i claimed nothing! again MJs are the purest somalis.
8. yous triggered
Imo Somalis should keep their identity exclusive. Stop begging to join other groups whether it's Black, Arab or even other East Africans.

We should follow the example of the Jewish community. You don't see them claiming that they're White.
they do though lmao. jewish is an ethnicity and religion for them but in america they consider themselves WHITE.


but are ethiopians not african? what about the mussai? (we share similar dances). our culture is distinctly african meaning the closest similarity you will find is within africa itself not the middle east.


we only started speaking arabic after it become our second language in somalia. but still barely anyone speaks it back home. unlike sudan who have NOT been arabized completely. we retained our language and you should be proud instead of downplaying it. smh

during the Ajuuran period somalis used to trade with india and back then some of them stayed in somalia. a tiny minority that was somalized. atleast thats what I've been told on here :browtf:.

i know but just because there are Mongolians in the country doesn't mean the Persians living there can claim Mongolian ancestry. thats essentially what you were doing by saying we have an arab minority in somalia :camby:

i claimed nothing! again MJs are the purest somalis.

I generally agree with you, but still there is no "African" culture, Africa is a diverse place, the most diverse place on earth. Our culture share similarities with our Cushitic neighbours and with North Africans. Middle easterners and Bantus nah.

And Arabic as a language has a long history in Somalia, way before the 1970s.
The Sultanate of Mogadishu later developed with the immigration of Emozeidi Arabs, a community whose earliest presence dates back to the 9th or 10th century.[13] This evolved into the Muzaffar dynasty, a joint Somali-Arab federation of rulers, and Mogadishu became closely linked with the powerful Somali Ajuran Sultanate.[14] Following his visit to the city, the 12th century Syrian historian Yaqut al-Hamawi wrote that it was inhabited by dark-skinned Berbers, the ancestors of the modern Somalis.[15][16]

For many years, Mogadishu stood as the pre-eminent city in the Bilad-ul-Barbar (بلاد البربر), meaning "Land of the Berbers," which was the medieval Arabic term for the Somali coast.[17][18][19] By the time of the Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta's appearance on the Somali coast in 1331, the city was at the zenith of its prosperity. He described Mogadishu as "an exceedingly large city" with many rich merchants, which was famous for the high quality fabric that it exported to destinations including Egypt.[20][21] Batutta added that the city was ruled by a Somali Sultan, Abu Bakr ibn Sayx 'Umar,[22][23] who was originally from Barbara in northern Somalia and spoke both Somali (referred to by Battuta as Mogadishan, the Benadir dialect of Somali) and Arabic with equal fluency.[23][24] The Sultan also had a retinue of wazirs (ministers), legal experts, commanders, royal eunuchs, and other officials at his service.[23]
But still, I mostly agree with you:nvjpqts: Rather argue alongside you than agaisnt you.
they do though lmao. jewish is an ethnicity and religion for them but in america they consider themselves WHITE.
White, Black or any other racial classification means nothing in the real world.

Arabs, Blacks and "East Africans" only claim Somalis when it suits their interests. They don't really give a shit about you. You don't see them joining Somali causes so why should we help them?

It's enough to say you're Somali and move on. We have enough problems of our own, no need to carry other people's burdens.
I generally agree with you, but still there is no "African" culture, Africa is a diverse place, the most diverse place on earth. Our culture share similarities with our Cushitic neighbours and with North Africans. Middle easterners and Bantus nah.

And Arabic as a language has a long history in Somalia, way before the 1970s.
But still, I mostly agree with you:nvjpqts: Rather argue alongside you than agaisnt you.
by african i meant it is indigenous to africa (as you mentioned above). i didnt word it correctly.

but thats interesting, i guess when we first accepted islam is when we started to speak it? but even back then i think a minority of educated scholars spoke it. I'm glad you agree though :friendhug:
White, Black or any other racial classification means nothing in the real world.

Arabs, Blacks and "East Africans" only claim Somalis when it suits their interests. They don't really give a shit about you. You don't see them joining Somali causes so why should we help them?

It's enough to say you're Somali and move on. We have enough problems of our own, no need to carry other people's burdens.
thats true. but i will always have more in common and support africans over any other group of people. arabs included (the point of this thread)


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Arabs say they don't like Somalis because they refuse to claim them and Somalis hate Arabs because they don't accept them. The irony is unreal.
You don't see them joining Somali causes so why should we help them?

Africans were marching in protest when the mentally ill Somali in Ottawa was killed by police.

AAs were marching in protest when the Somali guy was shot in Oregon (I believe).

The list is endless
Africans were marching in protest when the mentally ill Somali in Ottawa was killed by police.

AAs were marching in protest when the Somali guy was shot in Oregon (I believe).

The list is endless
They were using their deaths to promote their BLM agenda. You should have seen how happy they were that the police had shot Abdirahman AUN, they finally had a sacrificial lamb to use against the police. Very sick behaviour if you ask me.

Show me where AAs protesting against biochemical waste dumping or calling to help people suffering from the drought.

They have their issues to deal with and we have our own.
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