Arab woman forces Filipino maid to drink her menses

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For whatever reason, all the public videos on Facebook can't be shared like they used to be. Just put 'www.' in front and you'll see the vid.
The way maids are treated in the UAE is inhumane. I hope she spits in the arab womans food everyday for the rest of her life
The way maids are treated in the UAE is inhumane. I hope she spits in the arab womans food everyday for the rest of her life

She put her used tampons underwear in water, the water was bright red. Then she made her drink the filthy water. She needs to dip her tampons in the food for life as payback :vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0:, eye for an eye. I hate people who think miskiin shaqaalo are lower than even slaves :gunsmiley:


Your superior
This is why I laugh when Arab kids are bombed in Palestine and in Syria. A fucked up race


This is why I laugh when Arab kids are bombed in Palestine and in Syria. A fucked up race

The fact that God put the best and biggest oil reserves near Mecca is possibly the strongest argument for Islam's validity. :icon lol:

People who don't deserve to be blessed got blessed.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
That's just sick and twisted. I would have told her to f*ck off and quit. Or feed her a slow killing poison and go back to my country. Maybe even inject her and her whole family with HIV then do a runner back to the Philippines. These indho yar ladies are too maskiin. :yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe:


The fact that God put the best and biggest oil reserves near Mecca is possibly the strongest argument for Islam's validity. :icon lol:

I instantly remembered the dua of prophet Ibraahiim[AS] when you said that.:ohhh:
{{And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." [ Allah ] said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination."}}
Now i knew the word fruit in this ayah was a direct translation and has a much broader meaning as i heard it before in a lecture. I tried looking around and it just so happens to be in the latest episode posted on biyinah and the ayah that i was looking for is being explained in the very first minute :ohhh::rejoice: I didnt even click 3 videos before i found it.
That being said i dont even think i would have bothered commenting if i hadn't found this video as i dont think i could have explained it myself.

Watch here
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Pepe Trump
Also Indonesia I think. Then the Arabs came to the Somalis as the last resort, and the politicians were all happy like dogs that the Arabs finally noticed them...

What do you expect from the most corrupt people on the planet? Men who gladly sell their daughters out as if they were prostitutes knowing full well what they're putting them through.
Siad Barre turning in his grave. He was strongly against sending women as maids to Saudi Arabia. Also, if it wasn't for him our main language would have been Arabic like Sudan.
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