Arabs are fed up with UK Muslims trying to mimick their language

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Broad generalizations are fair when it comes to any stereotype you hear because stereotypes are the truth.

sometimes they may have some truth to them... but if any of us walks up to the nearest Arab person who is physically closest to them... if you ask that person, I would seriously doubt "Muslims in the UK using Arabic terms" is something they care about, think about or are even aware of
Why are the muslims in Europe different from us in North America ?
It's because of 9/11.

The muslims in America there got karabashed by virtually every group in the 2000s. Hell, even asians and indians were hating on them lol. However there hasnt been any terror attacks on the scale of 9/11 in europe tho, so the muslims here arent as cucked as the muslims in america.
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I was laughing so hard when I read a tweet from an Arab saying that nikkah in Arabic actually means to have intercourse, and to marry is a different word in Arabic (kitab al katb, or something like that)

Meanwhile non Arab Muslims are putting “nikkah” on the wedding invitations loool.
@Laiss If you qashin me, @me as well. Why is it that if I use the Arabic language you murtads get angry but we can all use English and hold hands whilst singing kumbaya?

(Hint: It’s because y’all hate anything that connects us with Islam)

Spot on. I'm just surprised a lot of Muslims on here go along with it. Do you not pray in Arabic? Read the Qur'an in Arabic? Soon learning Arabic is going to be considered coonery..
The absolute worse is when people who are Palestinian activists say Gaza with an Arabic accent. Not to take away from their activism, but why do they talk and pronounce everything else without an accent?? When someone has an accent they pronounce every word with that accent.

I seen a British woman do it, literally sounded like the Queen Elizabeth the entire time and said Gaza with a strong accent. I just don't get it.
I was laughing so hard when I read a tweet from an Arab saying that nikkah in Arabic actually means to have intercourse, and to marry is a different word in Arabic (kitab al katb, or something like that)

Meanwhile non Arab Muslims are putting “nikkah” on the wedding invitations loool.
LOL because a lot Muslims are not Arabic and Arabs tend to get blamed for all of it. When the loudest tend to be non-Arabs (mostly North Africans, and Somali Western women). I used to have hate for Arabs but I realized they are not the problem. Non-Israeli Jews have had enough to when it comes to Isrealis who btw are mostly Arab Jews (North African, not Ashkenazis who mostly live in America). And the strict Jews don't even want a land. I think Arab Muslims have the same problem. Basically half the Earth worships Semitic religions (from two brothers).

I don't blame them because every time everyone else (Americans, Israelis etc) get fed up with us Muslims, they end up invading an Arab country.

If they want to crack down on extremists they need to visit the island of UK and fight the jihadis there. I am worried Somalia might comeback on the top of the list, it seemed like they forgot about us and our neighbours Yemen got hit worse. But they are losing patience with us and Somalis in Somalia have no one to blame but the ones in the West. And there is a big difference between standing up for your deen versus nationalism/politics (look at the miskeen Palestinians).

Since Africa will get developed soon (Asians forgot to f*ck around and have kids) they will go to East African first.


I was laughing so hard when I read a tweet from an Arab saying that nikkah in Arabic actually means to have intercourse, and to marry is a different word in Arabic (kitab al katb, or something like that)

Meanwhile non Arab Muslims are putting “nikkah” on the wedding invitations loool.
nikkah has more than one meaning. youll find the word nikaax used to mean marriage in the Quran.
I was laughing so hard when I read a tweet from an Arab saying that nikkah in Arabic actually means to have intercourse, and to marry is a different word in Arabic (kitab al katb, or something like that)

Meanwhile non Arab Muslims are putting “nikkah” on the wedding invitations loool.
i thought it was also somali what do we use for marriage then

